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A/N: hello everyone!!! just an fyi so no one is confused: in this chapter alex helps damon practice his lines for his play, and during this part the dialogue that is written in italics is play lines, and NOT their actual words! their actual words are written in plain text like always. this may be already obvious but i wanted to make this extra clear! another fyi, the play damon is in is a real play and the dialogue he's practicing is real dialogue from that play! so i guess i should take the time to say i don't own the play, all rights reserved, blah blah blah

sorry that author's note was so long lmao but as always thank you for reading and i hope you enjoy!!!!! <3333


The night air seemed to get a little colder, the longer he stood outside, debating with himself what to do.

Should he go back to his flat and try to reconcile with Justine?

He shook his head. It's best to give her space when she gets like this. Bugging her excessively usually just leads to a bigger fight.

But then what should he do now, if not go home?

He thought a moment. Maybe he could call Graham? He could really use a friend right then. Someone to talk to.

But it was later in the evening now. Graham may be asleep. And he'd known Graham long enough to know he did not like being woken up prematurely.

If not Graham, then who else was there?

An idea popped into his head. He got anxious just thinking about it.

The person he was thinking of was someone he was supposed to be avoiding, someone he wasn't supposed to even be thinking about. But maybe right now he could forget about that. He just needed someone, and maybe this would be the right someone for the job.

There was a phone booth down the road, under a streetlamp. Alex stepped into it and began to push the buttons until the dial tone rang, and this someone picked up.

"'Ello?" Just hearing his voice was a surprise. He didn't think he would be up this late.

Alex bit his lip. "Damon?"


Damon's bedroom was a comfortable place, and the only room in his flat that Alex had not visited before.

Various posters and pictures, mostly of musical groups or tickets from the concerts he'd been to, lined the walls, along with some bookshelves and boxes with records in them. Not to mention the various items scattered on the floor. There was a desk with a stack of paper that was most likely Damon's play script on it, and sitting nearby on the desk was a lamp that was providing the light for the room. These were all things Alex could see from where he sat on Damon's bed.

"So, you wanted to come over," Damon stated the obvious, sitting down next to him on the bed. "What's up?"

Alex shook his head slowly, eyes glued to the floor. "I...I don't know. It's just been a rough night. I felt like I just needed to be somewhere else for a minute. Clear my head and all that." It felt strange, being vulnerable in front of his friend, who he hadn't known that long, but Damon didn't turn away. Instead he spoke softly, understandingly.

"What happened?"

He recounted the events at the retro diner in his head. The memory of Justine walking out was fresh in his mind.

"I just..." How could he explain how he felt?

"I'm scared. I can't help but feel like things are on the verge of going irreversibly wrong. Do you ever feel like that?"

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