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There was only one thing Alex could do in that situation; the only rational thing to do.

Be silent, and pretend he was not home, of course.

Another knock was delivered onto the wooden door, emitting a firm sound that was sounding a little more impatient now. "Stevie?"

His face flushed with embarrassment. He knew the nicknames would only get worse from there if he didn't answer. Giving up the fight, he walked over to the door and reluctantly opened it slightly.

"I hate when you call me that."

Justine's face lit up with a beaming smile. "I know."

He smiled back at her. Seeing her smile made everything better somehow. Suddenly there was no reason in the world why he wouldn't want her to come inside, so he opened the door all the way and invited his girlfriend in.

Her head turned to take in the scenery of Alex's apartment. As she was looking around, Alex was just looking at her.

She looked about the same way she did when he last saw her. She still had her short, black hair, her slim figure, her t-shirt that was just a little big for her (because the shirt was actually his), and, from what he could tell, her usual spunky yet levelheaded and cool personality. That's what he liked most about her. In more ways than one, he felt she was cooler than he was.

"This place is in a state."

"How nice of you to notice."

She finally turned to look him in the eye, her smile never fading, and enveloped him in a hug. "I missed you."

Slowly, almost carefully, he hugged back. "I missed you too, Jus."

It was a comfort to him that he could say it with sincerity.

She set her luggage down, onto the coffee table, and sat down onto Alex's couch, which appeared to be the most tidy area in range to sit. "So, fill me in! How have things been?"

"Do you really wanna know?" Alex asked, half-jokingly, as he sat down next to her. She only giggled in reply, which must've meant that she really did.

"Well," he started. "Uni's been okay. I've made a couple friends, so I haven't been totally alone."

"Ooh! What are their names?"

He hesitated for a second, for a reason he wasn't even quite sure of. "My best mate's name is Graham. He's smart, very artistic. And there's Adam, he's pretty alright. And..." His heart fluttered just mentioning the name. "My most recent mate, his name's Damon. He's something else."

Justine smiled. "They sound lovely. I hope I get to meet them!"

"Sure, I'll make it happen."

Subtly, she intertwined her arm with his, gently grabbing onto his hand and laying her head on his shoulder. "No other girls, right?"

"'Course not!"

Her eyes glanced up into his before she spoke again, her tone softer. "No one else?"

He tried his hardest not to bite his lip in nervousness, a pit of guilt threatening to creep back into his stomach. But he shook his head, forcing himself to meet her gaze. "No one."

He wasn't lying to her. But why did it still feel wrong?

It was clear to him now; whatever he was feeling for Damon...it had to stop.


Meanwhile, later in the day, Damon stood anxiously in the auditorium of his drama school, clutching a piece of paper with only a few sentences on it. There were other people there waiting with him, but he stood off to the side while they conversed among themselves.

It had taken a lot of courage on his part to show up for this in the first place. He prayed that it wouldn't turn out to be all for naught.

Suddenly, someone peaked out at the waiting crowd from behind the stage curtain. Scanning the area, their gaze finally landed on Damon, and they beckoned him over.

Surprised, but still nervous, Damon came over and stepped behind the curtain with them.

"Alright, Albarn," they put their hands together as they smiled at him. "You've got the part."

His eyes lit up in pure joy.


From across the room came a sudden ringing of the phone.

Hm, that's funny, Alex wasn't expecting a call. He quickly looked over at Justine, who was taking a nap. All that traveling must have worn her out. She looked peaceful enough to be okay for a moment. As quietly as possible so to not disturb her, Alex got up and walked to the phone, answering it just before it would've rang again.



He couldn't help but smile at the sound of the voice. "Hey, Damon."

"You'll never believe what I've been up to today."

"Yeah? Try me." He grinned.

Damon paused for a moment, sounding very excited. "I tried out for that play at my drama school! I didn't think I'd be able to, 'cause I was very nervous, but something kept telling me I should do it."

"Really! How did it go?"

"I did it, that's how! I got the part! The main part!"

It made Alex happy to hear Damon so happy. "Oh, wow, that's great!"

"I've got a ton of shit to memorize now, but this is...Exciting!" He laughed a little, still sounding like he was in disbelief of the whole thing. "Maybe you could come over sometime and help me rehearse."

Alex blushed a little at the proposition. "S-Sure! Y-Yeah, anytime!"

"Ooh, who's that?" A soft voice questioned over from the couch. It sounded like Justine had been woken up.

Upon hearing her, Alex quickly wrapped up the call, said he'd talk to Damon later and went back over to her.

"Who was it?" She asked curiously.

"Just a mate."

She only hummed in reply, accepting this answer. "I've been thinking a little bit. What if we went out somewhere together? Y'know, maybe tomorrow?"

Alex blinked. "Out?"

"Sure!" She smiled. "You could show me around. Take me somewhere here you like. Wouldn't it be fun?"

For some reason, he was unsure.

"Well..." It was making him nervous, how she was just looking at him confusedly as he tried to justify his hesitation. Eventually, he shook his head, abandoning the thought. "Sure. Yeah. I guess we could."

Justine was pleased. "Tomorrow, then?"

Alex just nodded nervously. "Tomorrow."

For a moment, he almost wished tomorrow weren't so close.


A/N: aaaa is anyone still reading this fic?? HAJDHSJSFJKDNJF just a warning this chapter is a little shorter than usual i was gonna add more to it but then it would've been too long so >:]] this is what you get for now KDSFBHSKGGF sorry i've been incredibly slow with updating my life has been very crazy but!!! i hope you enjoy!!!! and if you do pls pls consider leaving a comment bc it keeps me motivated and it rlly makes my whole day!!!! :D

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