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Though it was totally useless and not at all working, Alex was still in his room forcing himself to do homework. He had school the following day, and he'd been so caught up in the events of the day before he had completely forgotten about school altogether.

His nonexistent train of thought halted when his bedroom door gently opened, revealing Justine standing in his doorway.

"Oh," he said. "Hey."

"Hey," she replied quietly. "The bus leaves soon, I'd better get going now."

Alex nodded.

Carefully, she stepped further into the room, leaving the door half-ajar behind her. "Listen," she started. "I've been thinking a lot about what happened yesterday."

He hummed in acknowledgment. "I think we all have."

She sat down at the end of his bed. "I think...I can understand why you did what you did." She spoke slowly, like she was carefully trying to craft her thoughts into sentences. "Y'know...We hadn't seen each other in a long time, I live miles away now...I couldn't have expected you to not slip up eventually."

Alex raised an eyebrow, but didn't interrupt.

She sighed, getting to the point. "I still care about you, Steven. So much so, I'd be willing to forgive you. And we can...move on from this." There was almost a hint of hope in her voice. "A-And be together again."

This was an offer Alex hadn't nearly expected. He'd been given a more than generous opportunity; one that could even lead to things partly going back to the way they were.

Who would he be to pass that up?

He swallowed hard, trying to process his thoughts.

Wrong. That's who he'd be.

He shook his head. "No. No, Jus, I can't."

She looked away, not saying anything.

"I can't do that to you." He didn't wait to speak again. "Neither of us would be happy. You know that." He sat up a little straighter, scooting to where he could take her hand and hold it in his. "You deserve the chance to be with someone who really loves you, Jus. You understand, don't you?"

She nodded in acceptance.

He glanced over at the clock on the wall. "You'd probably better head out soon. I don't want you to miss your bus."

She nodded again, standing up and composing herself. Before she walked away, she looked back at him, then gave him one last hug.

"Goodbye," she said, much more softly than she had the first time.

Alex made sure to hug back. "Goodbye."

Maybe it wouldn't be goodbye forever. Maybe it was just goodbye for now.

With that final thought, she picked up her suitcase and left the room. He could feel it in his soul when she left, like a part of him was walking away. But like Damon said, he had to let go, or there would be no room for the future.

His heart sank again at the thought of the name.


Suddenly, the sound of his phone ringing appeared.

His mind immediately darted to one thought and one thought only.

What if it's him?

He practically sprang up and darted into the living room, picking up the phone in record speed. "Hello??"

"'Ello, Alex!"

He dismissed the previous thought entirely, almost in disappointment. "Oh, 'ello, Graham." This was about as equally surprising, though, yet relieving to him, knowing that Graham didn't hate his guts.

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