Table Of Contents

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Chapter 1- SCP-GU411

Chapter 2- Containment Breach

Chapter 3- 05

Chapter 4- Destiny

Chapter 5- Anomaly Testing, SCP-049

Chapter 6- Anomaly Testing, Doctor Therman

Chapter 7- SCP-239, The Chains Of Loyalty

Chapter 8- Future Rewritten

Chapter 9- Anomaly Testing, SCP-035

Chapter 10- Unwelcomed Surprise!

Chapter 11- Ethics

Chapter 12- 999

Chapter 13- No Means NO!

Chapter 14- Impromptu Test, SCP-096

Chapter 15- Night Of Passion

Chapter 16- Taming The Beast, SCP-682

Chapter 17- The Dragon, D1988

Chapter 18- Unseen Secrets

Chapter 19- Long Live The Queen

Chapter 20- The Dragon & The Wolf

Chapter 21- Proposal Night

Chapter 22- Dr. Alto Clef

Chapter 23- A Father's Love

Chapter 24- Briefing With Dr. Bright

Chapter 25- Mission File, MTF-U-1

Chapter 26- Mother Mary

Chapter 27- In The Shadows

Chapter 28- Access Granted

Chapter 29- The Cure

Chapter 30- GU411 Vs. 076

Chapter 31- Doctor Therman's Offical Entry

Chapter 32- Lucifer's Shadows

Chapter 33- Mentally Trapped

Chapter 34- Unite!

Chapter 35- Mounting A Defense

Chapter 36- True Power

Chapter 37- Awaken!

Chapter 38- Lock & Load

Chapter 39- Everything For Love, Part 1

Chapter 40- Everything For Love, Part 2

Chapter 41- Everything For Love, Part 3

Chapter 42- Everything For Love, Part 4

Chapter 43- Escape From Purgatory (Sasha & 999)

Chapter 44- Escape From Purgatory (096 & 682)

Chapter 45- Escape From Purgatory (049)

Chapter 46- Escape From Purgatory (Cain & Abel)

Chapter 47- FEAR ITSELF

Chapter 48- Rebinding The Scarlet King

Chapter 49- Interview With The Scarlet King

Chapter 50- SCP Final Solution! Part 1.

Chapter 51- SCP Final Solution! Part 2.

Chapter 52- Credits

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