24- Briefing With Dr. Bright.

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Rocky and Sasha head down the hall towards briefing room 21. 

"So he is down here?" Rocky asks.

Sasha nods. "He said he would be in a meeting."

Once at the briefing room, Sasha knocks. 

"Come in." Dr. Clef says.

Sasha enters followed by Rocky. Dr. Clef is sitting across from Dr. Bright. Instantly Dr. Clef and Rocky lock eyes. Rocky instantly remembers the file he had read on Dr. Clef, most importantly that any anomalous abilities do not work on him, and he has three eyes, likely the third hidden by his hat.

Rocky smiles. "Good afternoon, Dr. Clef."

Dr. Clef looks puzzled at him. "Have we met before?"

Rocky nods. "You were my instructor when I joined the SCP Foundation."

"Oh right.. You were a lot skinnier then." Dr. Clef replies, staring off into space.

Sasha hands Dr. Clef the letter. "A letter for you!"

Dr. Clef opens the letter, and from Rocky's point of view, it reads, "I forgive you. Be safe.. please."

Dr. Clef smiles and quickly puts it in his coat. "I assume she would like to spend more time with you?" Dr. Clef asks Sasha.

Sasha nods. "I think we will get along very well."

"Good." Dr. Clef replies.

"Mr. *****, you are early." Dr. Bright comments.

Dr. Clef shrugs. "I figured if Sasha was bringing me a letter back that he would tag along."

"I guess I could have waited outside.." Rocky comments disappointedly.

Dr. Bright sighs. "Well.. you are here now. Sit."

Rocky, although not pleased with his tone, does as the site director requests.

Dr. Bright pulls a file from beneath the table and opens it. "Your mission is to take no longer than two weeks, ending in the termination of all targets. Is that clear?"

Rocky nods, looking questioningly at Dr. Clef.

Dr. Clef sighs. "Jack, you are starting in the middle again. Please brief our friend here properly."

Dr. Bright glances at Sasha, who is still standing. "Young lady, I recall requesting you to be seated."

Sasha looks surprised. "I'm sorry.. I thought you were speaking to Rocky."

Dr. Bright pushes up his glasses with a sigh. "I was addressing both of you."

Sasha hurries to a chair and sits.

Dr. Clef smiles. "He is bad with context, just give him a minute."

Dr. Bright looks over the file for a moment and then sits straighter.

"There he is." Dr. Clef comments.

"Mr. ***** and companion, your mission is to infiltrate a cultist ceremony being held in Ireland and meant to summon the Scarlet King's army. We have an informant embedded in the cult, he is instructed to disrobe once you enter to avoid being killed. However, should he actually be terminated is no consequence to me or the 05 council."

Dr. Clef mouths along as Dr. Bright reads from the file.

"You are to enter with extreme haste and terminate any and all cultists in your attempt to disrupt the ceremony and (or) rescue the hostages, a woman and her four children. Your team will consist of yourself, your companion, Cain, and Dr, Clef." Dr. Bright looks up as Dr. Clef abruptly stops mouthing along. "Any questions?"

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