34- Unite!

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Back in the present, Iris runs franticly down the hall of level 1, her handgun on her side and Josie (529) in her arms. She is being pursued by numerous shadowy humanoids and a large monstrous shadow creature. She runs down a staircase leading to level 2, trips, and turns, falling back into a wall as a group of shadows reach the top of the stairs. She draws her handgun and begins firing, but the bullets have no effect. Josie hisses at the shadows as they draw nearer. Iris drops her gun and clutches Josie close to her, as Josie continues to hiss and swipe with her only two paws. Iris closes her eyes, expecting at any moment to be killed. The shadows reach out for Iris, but suddenly stop as Josie's hissing becomes a deep growl. Iris opens her eyes to see long black tentacles wrapping around the shadows. She looks down realizing the tentacles have emerged from Josie's void back end. Iris slowly places Josie on the floor and retrieves her handgun, getting up, and running down the stairs as Josie begins beating the shadows against the stairway. 

"Holy shit! Holy shit! I didn't know she could do that!" Iris exclaims as she runs. "What I wouldn't give for Abel to be here right now.. or that prick!!"

Once on level 2, Iris manages to run down the first hall before the large monstrous shadow breaks through the ceiling and falls to the floor.

Once on level 2, Iris manages to run down the first hall before the large monstrous shadow breaks through the ceiling and falls to the floor

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Iris, for a split second and out of reflex, points her handgun at the creature, but quickly comes to the realization it will do no good. The creature begins to charge as Iris turns and runs down the hall to the right. The creature slams against a wall as it attempts to make the turn at top speed, giving Iris a small opportunity to get ahead of it. However, that gap is quickly closed once the creature regains its footing and begins running after her again. Iris looks back in terror just in time to see 682's head burst through the wall of his containment cell grabbing hold of the creature by its neck. The creature screams as it is dragged back through the hole. A burst of light can be seen through the hole as the screaming suddenly stops.

Iris cautiously approaches the hole. "682? Are you okay?!"

682 produces his head from the hole again, looking down at her. "Why are you concerned about me?! Get out of the hall, you stupid girl!"

049 emerges from the hole in 053's cell, dragging 096 behind him. "We will escort you, Miss Thompson." 049 then yanks 096 up to his feet. "Walk for yourself, you big baby!"

For a moment Iris and 096 stare at each other.

"Why.. is he not attacking me? I have obviously seen his face!" Iris says, pointing at 096.

"I removed the pestilence from his heart." 049 replies blankly.

Iris looks at him confused.

049 sighs and then waves for them to follow, as he heads for level 3.

Iris cautiously walks past 096 as he turns and follows.

"OH YEAH! I'll just stay HERE!! Maybe the shadows and I can hold hands and sing kumbaya!!" 682 shouts at them sarcastically.

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