Awkward shows and late nights ♥

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"It's so good." I heard Reuben say from the living room.

I had brought him back to my place after the 'incident', to watch movies and eat heaps of junk food. Even though of course I didn't eat. But I really wanted to spend some more time with him, so I needed a plan that would lure him in. And of course, junk food was the way to go.

"You can have it if you want." I say, walking out of the kitchen and into the room Reu was in. I giggled slightly as I watched him study my painting, a serious expression planted on his face.

"Are you sure? I mean you could hang it up-"

"I'm sure Reuben." I sigh, a small smile planted on my lips.

Reu admired the painting one last time before placing it by the door, ready for when he leaves.

"Do you want to watch a movie now?" I say happily, plunking down on the sofa and taking the remote in my hand. I scrolled through a bunch of channels until I finally landed on, 'one born every minute." Giggling slightly, I curl up into a ball and watch the show. Reu was going to hate this.

I turned to look at Reuben, admiring his now pale face. "Oh c'mon" I laugh playfully, "It's not that bad."

I turn back to the show, watching as the girl tells her mum that she's pregnant. My heart reaches out to her as I see tears streaming down her face, and I wish I were there for her. I can only imagine what it would be like, to have to tell your mum. But of course, even if I did get pregnant, my mum is dead. And that would never happen.

Reuben sat next to me awkwardly, clearly not enjoying the show at all. Pregnancy and giving birth was quite an embarrassing topic for boys. I shuffle over to him, resting my head on his shoulder and sighing dramatically. "Relax"

Eventually he did, wrapping his arm around my waist and sinking into the softness of the sofa. I wrapped my arms around his waste and sighed. I could get use to this. He gave me a slight squeeze before he focused his attention on the show, suddenly becoming very interested. I spent the next few hours studying him, watching his reactions to everything that went on in the movie. Judging by his facial expressions, I always knew when a gross scene would come up, like when they would examine the girl or when she was giving birth. It was quite cute actually, when he'd groan and scrunch his nose up with disgust. By the time it was nearing the end of the show I was curled up in his lap, both arms tight around me and my head resting in the space of his shoulder where it seemed to fit so well. I could hear the slow thumb of his heartbeat through his shirt and I could feel it take off every time I snuggled closer. It could just be me, but it seemed that my touch had an effect on him. I suddenly felt extremely tired, my eyes becoming droopy and my head becoming heavier. I took one last look at Reu's adorable face before I drifted off.

I woke up tiredly, unsure of what was going on around me. It was as though I was floating, and my natural instinct was to panic. I desperately tried to wrench out of a strong grip that someone had on me.

"Shhh it's okay it's just me." A voice said from up above. It was Reus, he must be carrying me.

Instead of protesting any longer, I just let him take me to where ever he was going. I was tired, and not in the mood for any arguments. And besides, it wasn't like he was causing and harm. He was probably just taking me up to bed.

To bed! He couldn't take me to bed. That means he would be leaving and I would be alone again. Suddenly I feel my body being pressed against something soft, a blanket being pulled over my body. I still hadn't opened my eyes yet, hoping that maybe I was wrong, that he would stay.

Suddenly I felt lips being pressed against my forehead, and the words, "Good night princess." Being mumbled from someone's lips.

Before I had time to process things my eyes were opened, watching Reuben leave the room. My heart ached, knowing that I probably wouldn't be seeing him for a while. And it killed me inside that I wouldn't have the chance to at least say goodbye.

"Reu?" I say shyly, my morning voice filling the quick room.

Reuben turned around, confusion on his face as he probably thought I was asleep.

I don't know what to say, I'm not even exactly sure what I was going to say in the first place. So instead of saying something stupid, I do exactly what my heart is asking me to do.

"Stay, please." I knew it was bad to sound touchy, but I needed him right now. I didn't want to be alone.

At first, he was hesitant. After all, I was raped yesterday, and my trust in guys was pretty low. But after a few seconds he was walking towards me, a small smile planted on his lips. He bends down so that his face is centimetres from mine, before answering with a short, "Of course."

My heart fluttered as he hoped onto the bed next to me, kicking off his shoes. I had now idea what to do, considering the fact that I had just asked him to stay the night with me when I barely knew him for a week. But Reuben raps his hands around my waist anyway, pulling me into his chest and planting a sweet kiss on my forehead. I couldn't help but smile, he was so caring.

"Good night, Reu." I mumble, my head resting on his chest.

"Goodnight princess."

And with that I was drifting off, butterflies still dancing in my chest.


Hey guys I know this is superrrr short but I thought that tis chapter should be short and sweet.

OMG but the Jeuben feels :O or the Ress im not sure! Leave a comment which one you prefer haha :)

Remember if your enjoying this story to give it a vote xxx it would mean the world to me.

I'm really not sure if this book is good but im definitely not gonna stop writing so do. not. panic.

Love you guys and I hope your having a great day :P

- gracιe

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