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 →She can breakdown at random times.

→ Bell likes to stay with Charli but hates it when Charli comes everywhere with her (including standing outside a public bathroom waiting for her).

→ She sometimes feels like her family is way too overprotective.

→  She does not like to wear the necklace, she thinks it's not fair that Charli on Dixie never had to. 

→ She is seen without the necklace because she takes it out, but her sisters or parents take it and put it back on her.

→ She can't go out with out any of her sisters coming (Parents are to busy).

→ She's online schooled after her sisters became famous.

→ She has to study or always be in the sight of her sister (Parents are busy and she can break down and sometimes it is silent sobs and can lead to cutting)

→She finds that always having to be in the eyes of her sisters annoying but can't escape.

→ She has to ask for permission to go anywhere, even the bathroom(so they know where she is)

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