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The next day Charli and Dixie decided to go to a party when they were grounded. I change into another pair of sweatpants and a bra cause I'm home alone and I go down. They said they'll be home by 6 pm. I decide to eat ice-cream for breakfast while watching TV. At 2 pm I went upstairs and felt an urge to cut for no reason. I found a knife when I heard the door open. I saw Charli and Dixie stumble over to the couch and fall. I ran to them. They were pretty wasted. 

C- HeLlO

B- How much did you drink?

D- NoT MuCh

D- LiKe 4 BoTtLes

B- My god

I give them some water and I start t feel my chest hurt. I started to cry and curled up into a ball. Charli and Dixie were to wasted to help me.  Luckily mom and dad came at that exact time.

H- Honey!

Mom helped me calm down. They were pretty mad at Charli and Dixie because they did'nt help me.

C- WeLl YoU CaMe

H- Why are your words slurred?

D- ThEy ArE NoT

H- Bell, what happened

B- They went to a party and got wasted

D&C- WhAtEvEr

They ran upstairs and came down with 5 suitcases. They left with out saying anything. 

Stumbling, unstable, and mad.

We were all really confused.

M- What happened?

B- They left

M- I know what happened

B- But you asked what ha- Never mind

My stomach started to growl and I forgot that I didn't eat lunch. Mom cooked spaghetti and we all ate.

 Mom cooked spaghetti and we all ate

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I called Dixie to ask what happened.


D- What

B- Why did you leave

D- Because you told on us and that's not what sister do and us our house our rules. No mom's and dad's telling us what to do

B- What about me?

D- Come and visit once a week

B- Ok

D- Address:******************

B- Thanks

Call Ends

I didn't want them to leave, but it was their choice. I decided to visit them. I walked to the address and it wasn't far away. I went to the room they were in (apartment house thing). Dixie opened it and I saw ...


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