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Thank You to @dixisonshipper27and @-disneydamelio for the ideas for the next few chapters.

I woke up and got dressed into Charli's merch hoodie and grey sweat pants. I was still sleepy but the noise of the girls woke me up. I went down and the girls were eating pancakes. 

Charli- Here

She hands me 2 pancakes on a plater

B- Can I play with you guys today? 

Charli- What is wrong with you. It's a pain to be around you all the time. Such a baby.

B- Y-you know that i-it's not my f-fualt

C- Leave us alone for some time. You're so annoying. Can't you let us enjoy with you dragging us down?

B- Y- you don't m-mean that

C- Yes! Now get lost!

B- Please. I need you guys.

I feel a sting on my right cheek. I run upstairs and start to pack. I had to leave. I was bothering them and getting hurt. Mom and dad left for a meeting trip 2 months ago and I have a house key. As soon as Noah came home I asked him to take me home.

Noah: Why

B: I miss my friends (which I don't have)

Noah being himself, he bought it. 

N: Okay. Lets go

We drove home, and I was old enough to stay home, and so he dropped me off and left. Then Nick texted me.

N: Hey! I went home. I have to cancel the lunch date today

B:Same. I'm back too

N: Ya, back to ************(address)

B: That's close to my house

N: Stand outside your house

I did and Nick spotted me. We out to lunch together. We went to Mi Cancun. We both ordered enchiladas.

Nick took me to 2 movies at the theater and it was time for dinner.

We went to a restaurant and ordered there. After we went a sunflower field and watched the views. He stood up and so did I.

Nick- Bell D'Amelio. Will you be my girlfriend?

Bell: Yes! 

I run into his arms and collide his lips with mine. I feel and hear fireworks go off. We break apart and he walked me home. I went home to see Dixie and Charli sitting on the couch watching T.V. They have been mean to me lately, so I went upstairs and changed. I fell into my bed and didn't talk to them. I did not need them to ruin the mood.

Will they make it together? Nell or Bink? Wait and find out! (Only 1 person knows-ish)

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