Sisters Again

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D- She is so hurt *Whisper*

C- And we are so dead if mom and dad come back early *Whisper*

Bell's POV:

I see Charli and Dixie as I walk down. My body aches and bleeds. I can't even pick up anything. Dixie and Chari go away for some time and come back. I start shaking and getting scared. They whisper something to each other and come closer to me. I start to back up and hit the counter and fall. I start to remember what they did to me.

Charli's POV:

As we came, she backed up and hit the wall. She fell and started to cry. Dixie picked her up and sat on the couch with her. Dixie grabbed her hand and she winced in pain. I lifter up her shirt and was bruises. I went and got medicine (A/n: I don't know the process of what to do when people get bruises) and took of her shirt and pant and applied it to the bruises. She didn't say a word. She sat there with an blank face. Since she was too weak, I got her clothes and Dixie and I put them on her.

B- T-thank y-you

D- It's fine

I took her to the couch and put her on my lap. Dixie put her food on a plate and sat next to me. Dixie took a spoon and started to feed her.

D- Open your mouth (soft tone)

Bell opens her mouth and Dixie puts in the spoon gently.

B- I'm n-not hungry

D- I could care less

B- I d-don't want t-to e-eat

D- Open your mouth *strictly*

Bell opens her mouth and Dixie finishes feeding her.

*The reason Dixie was saying it strictly was because Bell had not eaten breakfast also*



D- I'll be back, Charli put her to bed

B- I can go to bed myself

D- Bye!

I took Bell upstairs with her protesting.

B- I can go by myself

B- Let me go!

I chuckled and carried her to Dixie's bed.

She went out and went to her room and locked the door. I used a bobby pin and unlocked it. I carried her back and put her on the bed. She got up and was about to go and I pulled Bell back and put her on the bed. She gave up and slept there. I changed into Pj's and slept next to her.

B- Why were you guys so mean to me?

C- ...

B- Charli! Tell me

C- I'm sorry. We both are. We were just mad

B- Why?

I was not going to tell her we were caught up with friends and jealous.

C- Umm... older girl stuff

B- Oh ok.

Dixie walks in and changes. She sleeps next to Bell and we hear tiny breaths. We look to the side and see Bell asleep. We both hug Bell and fall asleep.

A/N: Sorry for the same pic and do you like it when I put pictures of outfit and things?

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