The Beginning

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Thank You to @Kalelka for this idea!

I saw Charli and Dixie chugging bottles and bottles of beer.

B- What?

C&D- Hi!

I need to help them. They will get an addiction!

B- How many did you drink?

C&D- LiKe OnLy 5

B- Oh no!

B- You have to stop!

I pick up all the bottles I could find and throw them out.  This is not healthy at all.

D- HeY! wE pAy FoR tHaT!

B- Ik! But it's very unhealthy

C- No

Luckily they passed out after a few minutes. 


I went back to check on them and it was horrible They had an addiction. There is no way 'm telling my parents ( a good sibling) an I can't join them in rehab.

A/n: Ik it was short. I will make the next one longer

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