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Thank You to @dixisonshipper27 for this idea 


I woke up to hear loud yelling downstairs. I change into 

(2nd or 3rd one)

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(2nd or 3rd one)

I went downstairs to see mom and dad yelling at Charli and Dixie.

Hiedi- H

Marc- M

Bell- B

Dixie- D

Charli- C

H- You guys are so irresponsible

M- We thought we could trust you

Then Heidi slaps both of them.

C&D: Oww!

B- Mom? Dad?

H- Hey, are you okay?

B- Ya

M- Dixie and Charli. We have to go to another trip. You guys are grounded until we get back. You can go out only to drop and pick up Bell.

D&C: Whatever.  Fuck you *Whisper*

Marc slaps them again and says" Don't cuss"

Mom and dad leave and I try to go upstairs. Dixie pulls me back.

C: You brat told them about us "bullying" you.

B- I d-didn't

They hit me and throw me to the ground.

B- Oww!

Charli kicks my stomach and I hold it while crying. Dixie smashes me to the wall.

D- No breakfast for you. I call you for lunch. And I swear if you tell mom or dad I will-"

B: I w-won't (I say interrupting her)

C- Get upstairs!

I slowly walk up.

C- Faster!

I run up and close my room. I start to cry. I remember the times.


I cried for hours because mom and dad left for the first time. They have always been by me. 

C- It will be alright

Dixie cups my face 

D- We will be there for you

B- T-thanks.

Flashback ends

From that day and on they have always been there for me, like my 2nd stet of parents, until a few days ago. 

D- Foods there

I wipe my tears and open the door. I brush past Dixie and go down. I don't show any emotions. No tears or no smile. Just a blank unreadable face.

Dixie's POV:

I realize how mean we have been now. She can barely walk.

D- Charli!

Charli rushes to me.

D- What is wrong with us? 

C- WHAT! What do you mean?

D- We treated her like shit

C- Oh. We knew we did that

D- We were jealous of her getting a boyfriend

C- We were suppose to be there for her and help her

D- Let's go apologize

We went over to Bell and start to see her tense up and shake.

D- We really scared her *whisper*

C- She cant even pick up the plate *whisper*

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