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The next morning I wake up and see that Charli and Dixie are still sleeping. I can't go anywhere with out them and I have to go to the bathroom. But they are sleeping so peacefully, so I decide to just go. It was only for a minute. Since I was already there, I decide to take a shower and change into:

 Since I was already there, I decide to take a shower and change into:

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And "accidentally" take of my necklace and leave it on the counter

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And "accidentally" take of my necklace and leave it on the counter. I go into Dixie's room and see Charli and Dixie awake.

Dixie: Where were you?

Bell: I got ready

Charli: You know not to do that with out any of us standing there

Dixie: Where's the necklace?

Bell: Oops. I left it

Charli: Mhmm

Charli ran to the bathroom and got it. She put it around my neck and sat down. I just walked out the room and went downstairs. Dixie followed me and I assume that Charli went to take shower. I decided to make 2 pieces of toast and add jam. I go into my bedroom as Charli gets breakfast an sits with me while Dixie gets ready. Dixie comes shortly after nd jumps on to me.

Bell: Okay bodyguards, what shall we do?

C&D: Hey!

Bell: I mean you do follow me around like bodyguards

C: Whatever. We can go out somewhere?

Bell: I'm good

Dixie: Why

Bell: I am not willing to be embarrassed by ya'll.

D&C: How

Bell: Following me to the bathroom is embarrassing

---------------------------------------  3 HOURS LATER ---------------------------------------------------

Charli: You and Dixie stay here and I'll get lunch.

Bell: Okay

Once Charli left, Dixie got an important call and this was the time to be by myself. Usually when I'm by myself that's like never, I draw. I drew: 

(Actually a pic I found online)

And stuffed the notebook under the bed when I heard footsteps

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And stuffed the notebook under the bed when I heard footsteps. Luckily Dixie was just walking around. I felt the need of a razor. I start to cry. I look around and try to stop myself. I run to Dixie and luckily she was only taking to Addison who already new about me and my weird conditions.

Dixie: What do you need Bell

Bell: Razor

Dixie: Oh no

Dixie comes and hugs me while talking to Addison. She ends the call as Charli comes upstairs with the food. As thy set up, my need for the razor grows. I go out with out them seeing and try to control my self, but can't. I find a blade in the kitchen and try me best not to pick it up. But my hand is not controlled by me now. Controlled by my desperation for the razor.

A/n: Ideas?

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