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I woke up to being pushed off the bed.

C- You are so annoying!

B- W-what did I do?

D- You left and came home and Noah made us come home to you

B- What was I suppose to do?

D- I don't know. Cant you let us enjoy for a few days?

They were walking closer to me and I bumped into the wall.

B- I-i's not m-my fault he made y-you come home

C- Yes! It fucking is!

I gasped. She has never cursed at me.

D- Don't come out of our room!

B- O-okay

They both left and I started to cry. After a few minutes they came inside.

C- We forgot to ask you. Who is that boy

B- N-nick

D- The one at the beach

I wiped my tears

B- M-my boyfriend

D- Your what?

B- B-boyfriend

D- No, you aren't having a boyfriend

C- Ya, we didn't have one either then and where is your necklace?

B- Right h-here

D- Why did you take it off?

B- I d-don't know

C- Put it on

I put it on and sit there

D- Break up with him

B- N-no

D- Don't talk back. You don't deserve him. You are a pathetic child with many conditions. By the end of today you must break up with him.

B- F-fine

They both left and I just curled up into a ball. I decided to break up with him after lunch when I have some energy to talk.

I draw: 

Dixie knocks on the door and says " lunch is ready

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Dixie knocks on the door and says " lunch is ready. Get dressed and come down".

I change into a hoodie and sweat pants and go down.

D- Did you break up with him?

B- I w-will after lunch

C- Eat

I go over to the table and get a slice of lasagna and try to go up. 

D- No. You are eating down here

B- Why

D- Cause I said so

I sit on the table and quietly eat not making any contact with them. Why were they being mean to me. But thy are my sisters, so I won't tell on them.

B- Can I go up now?

C- What ever

I go upstairs and call Nick

N- Hey babe

B- Hi

N- Sup?

B- I don't think I'm ready for a relationship

N- Yesterday  you were fine with it

B- I was not thinking then

N- So I mean nothing to you?

B- You do. I'm not ready

N- You're lips didn't say so

B- This is hard but I don't think I can do this

N- Y-you're breaking up with me?

B- Sorry


B- Look. There will be a time.


He abruptly ends the call. Not only did I loose my boyfriend, but I lost my one and only friend. Maybe something is wrong with me. I am a burden

A/N: Poor Bell and if any one have ideas please tell me. I like having them in advance to plan them out. Thanks for reading I guess? And do you guys like if I add pictures of outfit and things or no?

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