Silly girl this morning aren't we Hope as she giggles then Derek wakes up sees me holding Hope. She looks at Derek sticking her tongue out at him he smiles starts to make silly faces at Hope I never want another life. When Derek says I agree Stiles besides now that we are couple do you want to tell you're dad when I said hell no we aren't to that point get. When he said come on Stiles he needs to know besides now that things are even more weirder that I've got Hope when I said if he even wants to talk to me. Derek after that fight we had about me leaving when Derek looked at me said you have to tell him that you came back because his you're father and his got a right to know. But Stiles be careful when I looked at Derek kissing his forehead then Hope started to fall asleep. I kissed her forehead then I walked into the sheriff station I looked at the lady asking me if I need something I asked them where the sheriff was I'm his son. The next thing I hear was my name Stiles where have you been I didn't know what to say when Derek said better think of something. When my father said Stiles then I just hugged him so tight then Derek turned around holding Hope when my dad said Derek is that yours?. When he said yes her name is Hope she's my daughter when my dad said son are you gay? When I replied with yeah I am dad. Then he just walks off with nothing to say I looked at Derek rolling my eyes going towards the woods when Hope started crying. I walked back to get her when Derek said Stiles you need to come back to school when I said I don't care what you say Derek I'm staying with Hope.
Derek POV.
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Stiles had Hope so I decided to talk to his father maybe I can talk him into getting Stiles back to school. It's not that I'm trying to make him choose to be with me and his father I'm trying to do what's best for him I'm talking to his father. When Stiles walks in doesn't even say anything to me just takes my hand and pulls me out of the sheriff station. I ask him what are you doing Stiles when he just pulls me closer to him kisses my lips I kiss him back when Hope starts to giggle. Hope's favorite thing to do is play with bubbles she's very excited whenever I bring out the bubbles makes her smile and always makes me smile. Hope is almost one years old my goodness she's getting so big I wish she was seven months old still but she's getting so big. Hope is always the little turd who gets into everything and loves to be silly towards Stiles they are always making silly faces to each other. After I laid Hope in her crib she falls asleep few minutes later I asked Stiles to watch Hope until I got back tomorrow. I didn't want him getting into trouble his still learning about control and I don't want him getting hurt because of me. When he smiled kissed me on the cheek says be careful when I replied with I will I'll see you tomorrow afternoon promise.