I woke up hearing Hope cry when Derek walks in my room. Says I'm here as I said what time is it as he says it's 9:00 when I said how about we take her outside. Let her play with toys for a bit when he says okay but she needs breakfast. To be strong like her dad😂 when I smiled agreeing with him we made Hope some eggs. But she wouldn't touch them so we weren't sure why she was crying. We bought a little car seeing if she'll walk in it kept crying so I tried a cute little walker. Now look at her she's so happy and I love when Hope smiles makes me smile too. She's super happy but we are figuring this out as we go along. Because she's only eight months I love her baby blue eyes she loves toys and learning to walk.
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Derek POV.
After we played outside for about an hour I looked at the time. Said 9:30 Hope was already sleepy so we came back inside letting her play for a bit. Loves her little toy she's adorable also very really really loves her ball. Hope can crawl really fast now I think it's adorable. We had to change her shirt because she threw up all over herself.
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Still Derek POV.
I want to spend more time with Hayley but I don't trust nobody. Else taking care of hope I mean she's very picky about who gets to take care of her. I guess we could give Stiles another try but he likes to yell and Hope doesn't like it. So maybe Luna could she was gone for the weekend but she'll be here tomorrow. Luna loves to take care of children Hope loves to play toys. She sleeps good and always likes to take baths sometimes. Helps her sleep if She's had a bad morning Hope has the best morning smile. Luna is eighteen years old she's a babysitter works day and night and always on time. It's 9:00 ready when Hope starts crying I said here want some mashed potatoes. When she starts to open her mouth when Gets excited about it when I smiled☺. I knew she'd love mashed potatoes everyone does☺ when she started to rub her eyes. I cleaned hope up and I put her drink beside her when she starts to fall asleep.