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I went back to my to grab a few things when my dad walks in my room. Asks me if me and Derek are getting serious I looked up at him said yeah I guess why? When he said just don't get pregnant I rolled my eyes said real funny dad. I grabbed my stuff and walked downstairs I saw Derek he was holding Hope and waiting for me when she started giggling at me. When I smiled at Derek we walked back to the house I wasn't sure what was going on but Derek looked at me. I couldn't believe Derek wants me to move in with him I can't believe this I'm so nervous when he kisses me says shut up Stiles🥰.
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When Derek and I were walking back to the house he said Stiles Stilinski will you marry me. When I said heck yeah you loser❤️😘🥰 I smiled when he kisses my lips I love you Derek when he replies with I love you too Stiles🙂🥰.
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Hope really missed her ball that makes alot of noise she's teething. So that ball helps her goodness she's walking good and just enjoys smiling being happy Hope wanted some of her mashed potatoes before she went to bed. started to rub her eyes I know she's tired I laid her down beside me as she falls asleep.
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