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The next morning I woke up sleeping next to me was Hope I guess she couldn't sleep in her own bed. I got up and picked out a cute outfit for Hope then I headed downstairs to make breakfast. Not sure if Stiles is still here or not but I headed to the bathroom when I opened it I saw Stiles standing outside of the shower. He put on a shirt headed to a bedroom grabbing some pants that he left here when we both seat down on the bed. I said listen Stiles I don't know what's gotten into you first you leave me because Lydia was pregnant. Then you just come back acting like you want me what's the deal with you. When Stiles said Derek I don't know what's gotten into me I just need you're help can you help me?. When I said of course I'll help you but Stiles got to stop this flirting it's confusing to me makes me upset. When he said I never said didn't want you Derek just have alot of things going on in my life that I don't know what to do anymore. When I said yeah same I'm trying to take care of Hope right now she needs her dad most of the time I can't leave her. Not even for a few minutes Stiles she's 2 years old not a grown up yet. When Stiles says I know I know Derek but what do I do? With this wolf thing why me how did it happen when I said I don't know you should know. What happened before you left? When he said I just left the woods me and Lydia went back to a cabin that's it the next morning. I opened my eyes were yellow that's all I remember when I said okay will just wait a couple of days. See if the wolf in you're system goes away or not if it doesn't then I have to teach you control. Few minutes later Hope walks into the living room has on that outfit I picked out for her I guess she knows how to dress herself. Pretty weird for a 2 year old to dress herself and fix her hair I heard a knock on the door I said coming. When I opened it I saw Haley the babysitter who took care of Hope when I needed her to. When she smiles says hello Stiles😃when he said you know who I am?. There eye color was the same Stiles had the same eye color as Haley. My question was are they related or did she bite him? Haley never did stick around to answer my questions.
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