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The next morning I saw Derek standing by the window said morning sleepy head when I smiled at him. Said where's Hope when Derek said she's in the living room with her toys when I smiled at him pulling him close to me. Next thing I know I hear Hope she said Dada to me and Derek when we looked at her seeing that beautiful smile. Her hair is getting to be the color blonde and those eyes are just beautiful❤️. Hope sure does know how to make me smile all she's got to do is smile at me🙂. Hope's the most beautiful baby I've ever seen she wanted to go for a walk before we started dinner it was around 1:00 when we got outside. She just loves the outdoors but most of all Hope likes flowers or sticks😂 she tries to give us some sticks. Derek looked at me said so what happened to you and Malia Tate if you don't mind me asking when I replied with will we just didn't have that spark. Anymore plus she's in love with Scott and why do you ask when Derek replied with because she's pregnant. When I said don't think it's mine when Derek said I hope not but see you had sex with her before Scott did there's a chance it might be yours Stiles. I don't know what to think Derek right now let's focus on Hope make sure she's safe. When Derek replied what if it's yours Stiles would you leave me to go to Malia when I said what Derek why would you say that. I thought Scott said it was hers when Derek said yeah I know that's what we all think it's Scott's but what if it's not Scott's when I said then will deal with it when that say comes sounds like to me you wanna break up Derek. When he replies with what no Stiles I'm just saying when I said will don't think like that Derek just don't I looked at Derek he seemed mad.