I can't believe Hope is almost two years old she sure is so grown up loves to smile enjoys the beach. I'm glad I got to wake up to those eyes and wake up to that smile I can't imagine my life without my beautiful daughter. The way Hope says dada dada most of the time it makes me happy and makes me smile. I can't believe that Hope is almost two years old she's getting so big I love the way she smiles at me. Hope just loves to wonder around the house scaring people making them jump she'll say Boo I'm a ghost in her baby voice I love her.
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Check Out My Book called Stiles & Lydia
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I haven't published the book yet because I'm working on this one but after I publish this story. Stiles and Lydia won't be in this book because they will be in the other story I'm working on but let me know what you think about this story. I could use some help on the chreators of this story or more drama maybe fighting just let me know what you guys can come up with.
I appreciate everything reading all my stories the votes comments and the help I could use more help. If it's not to much to ask thanks everyone for all that you're doing for me and my books.❤️