Hope Hale is almost two years old in about a week she'll be two years old. I can't believe my babygirl will be two years old she's so big and walking her hair is getting longer sure does eat alot. Hope drinks out of big girl cups and she likes to smile definitely loves to play with toys likes it when I read to her. When she smiles at you everything around you're whole wide world changes the way she just looks at me I melt Everytime she looks at me. I'd kill anyone who touches my daughter expect the ones I trust but other then that they will deal with me.
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Hope was playing in the living room while I fix her dinner when Stiles walks in with Lydia. I couldn't even believe that he left me to be with her I get that she's pregnant but like we were supposed to be together until death do us part. But instead he leaves me for Lydia I just miss him and this is the worst break up ever had to deal with.
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Stiles POV.
Derek I'm sorry this is the hardest thing I've ever had to do but I can't leave our baby I don't trust anyone else with Lydia. The first day of school I've had a crush on her since day one I can't leave her. When he looks at me smiles says I understand that Stiles it's just that I miss you when I smiled at him replied with I know. I can see it in you're eyes that this is hard for you but I'm in love with Lydia.