I can't believe Hayley is falling in love with an alpha. Of course I wanted to say same here but how was this possible. I wasn't sure how to tell her how much I feel so I wanted to show her instead. So I made a picnic outside of the cabin and put flowers on the table. When hayley woke up seeing the table she smiled. She said what's all this Derek? When I said heyley I love you too when her eyes got big blushing at me. I always knew that I've falling for her just didn't know how to tell heyley how much she means to me. I saw Stiles holding hope in his arms making her smile when hope sees hayley gets all excited. She's trying to walk me and hayley were about to start eating our lunch. When Scott said Derek come inside look when me and hayley walked inside. Seeing hope standing up with the help of Stiles holding her hands so she don't fall. When I said awwww look at you princess when Hayley smiles says such a big girl. She's getting so big I'm so proud just few weeks ago she was only seven months old. When hayley kisses my cheek holding my hand when I looked at her and winked. As Scott said eww get a room😂 when we laughed hope is probably hungry to aren't you sweetie. When she tries to walk to me but falls on her butt she starts to cry when I said if you fall get back up. I helped her back up as she walks to hayley such a good girl☺ when she starts laughing. I can't imagine my life without Hope or Hayley their both amazing both adorable. After the picnic hayley gave hope a bath to calm her down for tonight. We let her play in the living room until 10:00 that's her bedtime. Apparently hope wanted to sleep longer because she fell asleep at 9:20.
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