I walked into Hope's room seeing her smile. I looked at hope telling her good morning beautiful. When she starts to giggle at me Derek winked at me as he walked passed Hope's room. Derek walks towards me says hey Hayley. You ready for our date night? When I said yes I cannot wait Derek replies with yeah same so Luna's watching hope. Until 11 when Derek says so I put our phone number. On a paper just in case she needs us but she'll have Stiles and Scott. I couldn't wait until I got to go on my first date with Derek. He takes my hand walking me to the door Luna is letting us use her car. Before we got into the car I heard Hope crying Luna put her pacifier in her mouth. She stopped crying I heard her say shh it's okay sweetie lays back down falls asleep.
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Derek POV.
I can't imagine my life without Hayley. When she smiles at me it's like my whole world is all around Hayley. I took her in the deepest part of the woods maybe she'll love it. I just wanted to make sure she knows how much she means to me. Few minutes later we got to the forest Hayley smiles at me. Says wow this beautiful when I smiled said yes I agree you are beautiful. When she sits down in the chair saying telling me about her day. When I said Hope is the most cutest baby ever seen. Few minutes later we finished our dinner. Decided to get into the car because it's already 10:57 time goes by fast. I parked the car in the driveway when Luna was yelling at Scott. I said hey what's going on? When she says I just put Hope in bed and he starts yelling. When Hayley says it's ok I've got this maybe you lost her teddy bear. I gave Hope the teddy bear we got her she loves that thing as Hayley kisses Hope's forehead. I kissed Hayley on the cheek when she kisses me on the lips.