Hope is turning one tomorrow she's very excited to be able to eat cake seems like I walked down the hallway. Seeing her wear a bow cute outfit and smiling at me she looks adorable in her outfit and she always smiles in the morning I love how sweet and calm she is Hope is always the first one awake. She's got the perfect smile in the world I waited for Stiles to call me he said was going to school. Few minutes later I got a message from Stiles saying that his in class wants me to come check on him I called Luna asking for her to babysit. When she replied sure I'll be right there I texted Stiles saying that Luna I'm waiting on Luna to come over and babysit Hope. When Stiles says alright try to hurry Theo is trying to hit on me when I yelled through the phone I'LL BE RIGHT THERE. Few minutes later Luna comes in says I'm here for a little while when I said thanks Luna Hope starts to giggle while Luna picks her up. I rushed to the school when I had to find Stiles I'm going to kill Theo I'm so angry.
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Few minutes later I found Stiles Theo was trying to touch him I got angry. Theo get the fuck off of Stiles when Theo turns around tells me to shut the fuck up and continues to touch him.
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Few minutes later Theo continues to touch him I'm getting angry and I couldn't believe Theo. Trying to take Stiles from me this is pissing me off if he keeps going I'm going to kill him.
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After the fight I ran over grabbing Stiles as he says Derek then I replied with with yes Stiles when he just starts kissing my lips. Then Theo runs off I'm overprotective of Stiles I'll always protect him I'd die for him.
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Back To The House
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Stiles and I were on our way back to see Luna we walked inside seeing Hope smiling at us. This gorgeous baby girl is so good Luna replied it's such a beautiful day so I figured I'd take her outside when we smiled. So we decided to go for a walk and try to get Hope used to the house. It wasn't cold or anything so we brought food and her drink she's super duper excited for food I love that Hope is always happy. She's turning one tomorrow can't believe Hope is getting so big. But she'll always be my babygirl no matter what age she is so around. 4:30 we walked back inside the house getting dinner ready. She started rubbing her eyes someone is sleepy when she kept on rubbing her eyes Stiles went to get her bath warm just the way she likes it. Luna wanted to bathe her so we let her few minutes later she's dressed ready for bed I mean seriously Hope is tired she loved her mashed potatoes. She laid down right beside me and Stiles Luna said goodnight you guys even though It was early for Hope to go to bed. But we tired her out pretty good not only that she sleeps good through the night.