Chapter 3: caramel

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You made your way inside to take a shower and change your clothes until your brother stopped you.

"Y/n, any plans for today? And not gonna lie, you did pretty well with the push-ups"
He said as he put his arm on your shoulder.

"Thanks, and yeah, Kai asked where I wanna go so that we can get to know each other, ya know."
You answered.

"Wait, he asked you for a date?!"
Jay yelled.

"Of course not dumbass. It's just you know, to get to know each other."
You punched him in the shoulder lightly.

"Well okay... Where are you guys going anyway?"
He asked.

"The arcade, I haven't been in there for so long since I focused more on training"
You said.

"Oh, thats cool... But hey, don't do any weird stuff"
He said and looked at you strangely

"What do you mean 'weird stuff'?"
You questioned.

"You know, don't kiss or anything"

"Bro what the hell, I know him for some hours and I dont like him in that way anyways''
You laughed which made Jay just roll his eyes.

"anyways, have fun in the arcade"
He said and ruffled your hair and then walked away.

"Did someone said 'arcade'?"
Lloyd popped out of the kitchen. You automatically smiled when you saw him.

"Yeah, I and Kai are going to the arcade to play some games"
You responded.

"Ooo I know what's happening here"
He said and smiled strangely.

"You too? Come on, it's not a date!"
You got frustrated but also couldn't hold your laugh when Lloyd looked at you like that.

"Can I join then?"
He asked.

"Im sure Kai wouldn't have anything against it"
You answered with a warm smile

"Cool! I will go change then"
He said and left, you did as well.


You knocked on the boy's room to find Kai and Lloyd and tell them you're ready to go. Kai opened the doors just as you expected.

"Hey Kai, im ready."
You said as a smile formed on your face"

"Good! Im ready too, we can go now."
He smiled to you in response but you tried to look inside to room to find Lloyd. Kai caught you staring at the room so he asked.

''Is something wrong...?"

"Oh sorry! No, I'm just looking for Lloyd"
You said and rubbed the back of your head.

"Lloyd? Do you need anything from him?"
Kai asked which was pretty surprising for you since you thought Lloyd already told him he's going too.

"He didn't tell you? He asked if he could join us to the arcade so I said sure, I thought he told you after I left to change"
After you said that Kai seemed upset which made you stress right away.

"Sorry! I should ask you if you feel comfortable with this first! I'm so sorry!"
You said and apologized to him repeatedly. He just chuckled a bit.

"It's fine! You dont have to apologise''
These words made you sigh in relief.
You opened your mouth as if you were about to say something but a common voice stopped you.

|I need you!|𝕃𝕝𝕠𝕪𝕕 𝔾𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕒𝕕𝕠𝕟 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 Where stories live. Discover now