chapter 16: wrong side

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A/n: welp...guess who's back

Your heart started beating faster, you weren't sure why. Morro just literally offered you 'joining' the wrong side.

"Y/n, you're not thinking about agreeing?"
Your brother Jay asked nervously. Morro tightened his hold. You turned your head to look at your friends. Jay was trying so hard not to cry and so did Kai. Cole was looking at you as if he begged you to say no. Zane was just worried about the whole situation.

You began. His eyes widened.

"Of course... I will not do that"
You said and took your hands away from his. You could see that his look changed from a warm one to a really angry one.

"...if you don't want to do that with your own free will...I will make you!"
He yelled and was about to attack you but all of sudden someone punched him right in his face.

"I know that Y/n would never punch Lloyd but who said that I can't"
Kai said proudly and used the chance to help the others as the ghosts were distracted. Now that your friends could fight again, Jay quickly pushed you behind.

"Everyone, don't let him get Y/n!"
Your brother yelled, others nodded and the fight began again.

"No wait, I can help!"

"No, Y/n! You cant! Your power is useless now!"
He belted. You stood there confused and watched as they fought. The whole room was filled with chaos. You didn't know what to do. You started to breathe heavily. It was the first time when you experience a panic attack. You didn't know what to do. Everything seemed so blank yet very chaotic and uncomfortable.

Morro breathed heavily.

"I know you care about me"
He continued.

"If you agree, I will give you everything you want. Power. Money. Love. Whatever you can wish for."
He explained. You didn't know what to think. You watched as the ghosts were slowly winning against your friends.

"Come on Y/n. Just take my hand and everything will be over."
He said with the same warm voice. You couldn't stop thinking about Lloyd saying this. You didn't know if he was manipulating you right now or if he's telling truth. The only thing you knew right now was that you wanted it to end. And so you grabbed his hand. He squeezed it hard and so did you. The ninjas were all beat up laying on the ground watching Morro leaning down to you and hug you. His warmth calmed you down but you still were scared.

"You...piece of shit... Don't touch her."
Kai mumbled as he breathed heavily.

"It was her decision"
Morro responded. He still held you tightly.

"Morro, we found the scroll"
One of the ghosts said.

"Perfect...well I think it's our time to go."
He said and was about to leave dragging you out but something stopped him. Someone grabbed his ankle before he could leave. It was Kai.

"You son of a bitch..."
He called breathing heavily all beaten up. Morro kicked his head which completely knocked him out.

"Let's go, you are saved"
Morro whispered as he still held you tightly. You couldn't take all the emotions and so you fainted.


Your eyes slowly opened to the smell of food. Your vision was blurry at first but as it got better you saw Morro making food at a campfire. You could tell it was some kind of meat since the smell spoiled it all.

You whispered as you were still shocked after what happened. Morro turned his head towards you.

"Did you say something?"
He asked. After hearing his voice you remembered everything.

"O-oh... No, I was just mumbling something...what are we doing here...?"
You questioned.

"We will stay here until tomorrow so that you can rest."
He answered with a warm smile forming on his face. The way he acts now contrasts a lot with the way he behaved before. He was cold and mean towards you. At this point, you dont know if Lloyd is still there. 'Lloyd is probably so disappointed in me...' You thought to yourself. The atmosphere was very weird and kind of tense.

"Aren't you gonna rest as well?"
You asked.

"I can't let my guard down. Although I possessed Lloyd, he's still there. He's still aware of everything. He's being a little too strong in the last time..."
He looked down and then up into your eyes.

"But don't worry... he won't be so annoying soon... and then, we can be toghther forever."
He said with clear passion in his eyes.

"Morro... why do you want me to be with you anyway? You only use me for my power."
You claimed and looked down. Suddenly, he came closer to you. As he raised his hand you flinched a little thinking he would harm you... but he did quite the opposite. He put his arm around you as if you two were friends for years. It felt nice but not because Morro did that. It felt nice because you could only think about Lloyd doing the same.

"I did in fact used you at the beginning"
He started.

"But as the time went I started feeling something. Something I've never felt before. A feeling that i have to be with you no matter what. As i started to look trough Lloyd's memories and feelings I got so jealous... you two have a strong relationship, something that nothing and no one could break."
Suddenly you could feel his breath on your chin, it gave you chills.

You turned your face towards his as he whispered softly. All of the sudden his lips were touching yours. It was truly something unexpected. You could feel his body heating up as he continued to kiss you...

When you finally opened your eyes, you realised that not Morro was the one you're looking at...

But Lloyd.

|I need you!|𝕃𝕝𝕠𝕪𝕕 𝔾𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕒𝕕𝕠𝕟 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 Where stories live. Discover now