Chapter 17: Choice

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Suddenly you felt pressure on your shoulders, as you opened your eyes you realised that Lloyd is out of his breath. It was understandable since he just broke out of possession.

"Lloyd?! Are you okay?!"
You shouted as the emotions took over you. His green eyes went up again so that he could see your face.

"'s nice t-to see your beautiful face with my own eyes again"
He mumbled as he tried to smile. You started tearing up a bit. 'Wait... But if Lloyd is back...then where is Morro?!' You thought to yourself. Your eyes analyzed the area. Turns out Morro is out of breath as well as he was laying or more like levitating on the ground.

"Damn you, Lloyd..."
Morro let out a half-whisper. Lloyd was out of breath so you had to protect him. Morro moved closer with each moment. You hid Lloyd behind you showing Morro that you're ready to fight.

"Y/n, please move so that i can posses him and we can be toghther again!"
Morro yelled as he was still out of his breath. You shook your head telling him no.

"I can't let you do that Morro. If your plan completes, I will loose everything I have."
You claimed. Your expression was very different from what it was some minutes ago. You were filled with bravery and determination.

"You don't understand y/n..."
Morro began.

"You don't know how it feels to be alone..."
Morro continued.

"I don't care anymore... I don't care about my plan, I don't care about anything else! The only thing I want is to be with you!"
He screamed at the top of his lunges. At this point you couldn't tell if he's being serious or if he's trying to guilt trip you.

"Y/n please... let us be toghther again..."
He begged you desperately. You have never seen him express so much feelings. It truly touched you. You didn't know what to do...


Alright guys I know that this chapter is REALLY short but it's because from this point, you will have to choose your ending yourself.
I will make 3 endings.

1 main ending (Lloyd's ending)
2 side endings (morro's and Kai's endings)

I want the endings to have a lot more story inside of them so you can expect them to be really long. But of course, it will take a while for me to finish all this so please stay patience and I'll try my best to not disappoint you.

Thank you so much for all the support and I'll see you in the next update <3

|I need you!|𝕃𝕝𝕠𝕪𝕕 𝔾𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕒𝕕𝕠𝕟 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 Where stories live. Discover now