Chapter 4: Kids are growing so fast

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You felt a horrible pain in your back, it hurt so bad that you couldn't take another breath, your vision was all blurry but as you turned around you saw a man looking figure. You could hear people screaming.

"What the hell man?! You are not getting away with this!"
By the voice, you could tell it was Kai.

After hearing these words your vision got all black as you fainted.


A feeling of someone staring at you quickly woke you up. You were in a completely different place than before, it wasn't the arcade but your room. You slowly turned into the side and saw someone sitting next to your bed on a chair, as you looked at them for a little more you recognized that it's Lloyd. He was sleeping. You sat on your bed but tried to not make a noise at all to not wake him up. You didn't know what happened in the arcade so you wanted to go out of the room to see the others. As you stood up you checked on Lloyd if he's still asleep, and he was. You made a step and accidentally hit the corner of your bed with your feet.

"Fucking bitch!"
You screamed in half-whisper as you held your feet. After a good 30 seconds of jumping in pain on one leg, you lost your balance and fell on your butt right in front of Lloyd who unfortunately wasn't sleeping anymore.

"O-oh hi Lloyd"
You laughed awkwardly.

"Hmm, should I tell jay you swore or not?"
He said sarcastically.

"You heard that!? Don't you dare to tell him! And weren't you sleeping like a second ago?!"
You asked.

"I wasn't sleeping at all but I wanted to see what you would do"
He laughed and helped you get up from the floor. He opened his mouth as if he was about to say something but a sound of opening doors interrupted him. You look to the side and saw your dear brother.

"Y/n! You woke up! Are you okay"
Jay ran to you and held your shoulders, his eyes searched for any bruises but he didn't found any.

"Im fine, don't worry"
You said and sat back on your bed.

"Do you remember anything that happened?"
Lloyd asked.

"Not really, the last thing I remember has something to do with caramel but I have no idea what exactly"
You answered and for some reason, it made Lloyd smile which caught your eye.

"...what is it?"
You asked.

"Nothing, nothing..."
He said.

"if you say so...anyways, mind telling me what happened there?"

"We managed to get the figure and we were about to leave. Everything was super cool until a dude came to you and knocked you out from behind. He then took the boxed with the figure and tried running away. Kai ran after him to catch him and I stayed with you. I checked your back and I didn't see any serious injuries-"
When he said he checked your back you felt embarrassed but at the same time, you were glad that it was him and not someone else.

"-After Kai caught him, we called the police. Turns out the guy steals the figure because it's rare and he could sell this online for really good money"
He continued.

"Anyway, dont worry, we got the figure back"
He took the box that was lying on your desk. The box was low key destroyed but the figure was in a perfect state.

"Here, take this"
He said and moved the box closer. You felt that it would be unfair if you would take the figure.

"No, keep it. You took care of me, you deserve it more''
You said with an appearing smile. Lloyds green eyes shone as you gave him back the figure.

"Thanks, Y/n!''
He said.

"Dont thank me, I should thank you!"
Both of you started laughing but stopped because you heard sobbing. Turns out it's not anyone else than your dear brother.

"Kids are growing so fast *sniff* dang, im getting old"
Jay said and left the room which caused the awkward silence but it quickly disappeared with the fact you and Lloyd burst in laughter.

"Wait, where's Kai?"
You asked.

"Oh right, he's in our room..."
Lloyds expression automatically got weirder or more like sadder.

''Did something happened?"
You asked with a worried voice.

"Well, since we didn't have our costumes, it was much easier to hurt us. It turned out the man that attacked you have a teammate and this teammate stabbed Kai in his shoulder. He's fine but he needs rest"
You felt terrible after hearing the story, you felt like everything was your fault.

"Can I see him?"
You asked which he only nodded in response. You quickly got up which wasn't the best idea, you lost your balance but Lloyd caught your arm.

"Let me help you"
He said and walked to the other room with you. You slowly knocked on the doors and came in. You saw Kai laying in his bed with many bandages around his shoulder.

"Kai are you okay?"
You rushed and kneeled next to the bed. He looked at you and smiled.

"Of course I'm fine"
He said with his cocky voice.

"Well, you don't look like that... I'm sorry...its all my fault if I had better reflex maybe you wouldn't be in this kind of state right now..."
You looked down.

"It wasn't your fault, and even if you would avoid this man behind you, there's a big possibility I would be where I am now anyway, so don't worry"
He said with a bright smile on. Somehow it made you mad that he was so nice even though he was hurt because of you.

"Dont say that! It's my fault! Why are you so nice when now you're suffering from pain because of me!?"
You yelled and accidentally grabbed his arm. Kai hissed of the feeling of pain.

"I-im sorry! Ugh see I only cause problems, maybe I shouldn't be here at all...''
Kai's expression changed. He didn't seem like he was hurting at all.

"No, Y/n, im fine"
He said.

"You don't have to say that only because im sad"

"No, for real im okay!"
Suddenly he unwrapped the bandages from his shoulder and surprisingly he didn't have any scar there. As if it just disappeared.

"Huh..? The's gone! But how?"
As soon as you said that Sensei Wu came in.

"Well, I could except that someone from Jay's family has powers too..."
Sensei said.

He just nodded to you.

"Does that mean..."
Lloyd started.

"That Y/n have healing powers?"

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