chapter 13: big ass bow

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"Hey! Wake up!"
A strange voice shouted. The voice was unfamiliar and weird and that made you open your eyes quicker than you normally would. Your back hurts because of the hard, cold ground you've been laying on the whole night. When your eyelids opened you saw a strange person. It was a man with weird clothes and...he was levitating? A green aura was lighting around him... As you looked closer you realised that it was a real ghost.

"Who...who are you?"
You muttered. The ghost looked down and up.

"I'm a sole archer. Morro's 'friend'. He summoned me before going"
He responded. This gave you only more questions.

"Going where? And why would he summon you?!"
You started attacking him with questions.

"What a stupid human morro chose..."
He said under his breath.

"He summoned me to help him. In fact, I thought im gonna do some cooler stuff than being a babysitter..."
He continued.

"Where is this ridiculously foolish ghost then?"
You asked about Morro of course.

"First of all dont you dare speak about him like that. Second of all, he will tell you himself."
Archer spoked in a nasty, mad voice. And after he was finished he sat on the piece of a fallen tree. He sat with his back to you which was a perfect chance to think of a plan.

You looked around to find anything that might help you untie or cut the ropes but nothing seemed to be successful. You double checked if Archer wasn't looking at you and you tried to crawl away but as you were about to do that you realised that you're going to make too much noise so you dropped this plan as well. 'If only I had better power than healing' you thought. As you slowly started giving up on escaping you suddenly heard a familiar noise. You looked up to the sky hoping that it was exactly what you thought it was. Luckily your hearing wasn't wrong! It was Zane's falcon! As the bird noticed you he quietly started flying down into your direction. It's undesirable how happy you were at this moment. The falcon sat next to you waiting for your commands. You tried to pick him up at the same time praying for the archer to not turn around. You looked into his eyes and saw a blue light which means he was connected to some kind of computer.

"Hello? Is anyone there? Kai? Jay?"
You whispered hoping for respond. At the first 10 seconds, no one responded. Your heart was beating faster than ever. The sight of Archer having a huge bow with sharpening arrows right next to it didn't help either. Unexpectedly you heard a noise coming from the falcon, it was definitely made by someone from the other side.

Voice said. It was hard to recognize who it is.

"Y/n? Are you there?"
The voice spoke again, now you knew it was your brother. You could heed how happy he was to hear from you.

"Jay, I dont have much time. Hear me out 'cause im not repeating myself. Morro is using me for my power. Since Lloyd can feel everything that Morro does, I can't let him be hurt. Im sorry, but I have no choice. I don't know where I am, it seems like to be some kind of woods. Morro is not here right now but one of his ghost friends is here to watch me. Im using my chance to communicate. Please dont waste these informations"
As you said that you let the falcon fly away back to the bounty. Only a 2 seconds after that Archer finally turned around as he probably heard you whispering. He squeezed his eyes and looked around.

"Who were you talking to?"
He asked suspiciously.

"Oh know it's boring to just sit in the woods for such a long time so I thought that it would be cool to you know... Sing a little so maybe time will pass faster."
You replied and tried to sound as real as possible. He didn't day anything back but just looked around one more time and turned back again. You sighed in relief...


Hours passed by. Nothing new, just cold ground and a stupid ghost with big ass bow in front of you. Great. Your hands were hurting real bad because of the ropes but you knew that asking him to take them off wouldn't be successful so you just waited and waited. As you were about to take a nap again you heard Morro's laugh. Not gonna lie but you were sick of this man laughing. You looked around but couldn't find him well of course because he suddenly appeared from the sky. Of course, he looked the same but one thing that caught your eye is Sensei's staff, yes he was holding Wu's staff. His eyes wandered around most likely because he wanted your help. As he caught eye contact with you he started stepping forward in your direction.

"Well hello Y/n, how was your day?"
He asked and kneeled in front of you.

"Back off Morro, I'm not in the mood."
You say as you rolled your eyes on him. He let out a 'tch' sound.

"I think you forgot who's the boss here. I dont give a damn about your mood. Anyway, use your power, now."
He replied as he rolled his sleeve up to show you a horrible cut scar that seemed to be deep. You gave him an annoyed look and did what he told you to.

"Ah, much better"
He sighed in the pleasure of finally being healed. He stood back up to stretch then he walked some steps away from you only to scatter some dust on the ground. As he did that, he placed Wu's staff on the ground and rolled it through the dust. As the staff stopped, you were able to see three signs on the ground. First one was a whirl, it reminded you of spinjitsu that Lloyd promised to finally teach you. The second one was a sword or a katana, you weren't sure because of the angle you were looking from. The last one was a skull with a weird, lightning scar in the middle.

Morro muttered.

|I need you!|𝕃𝕝𝕠𝕪𝕕 𝔾𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕒𝕕𝕠𝕟 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 Where stories live. Discover now