chapter 12: feelings are worthless

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Your eyes slowly opened to loud noises. Your vision was less blurry each moment. You saw a figure sitting next to you. The figure definitely belonged to Lloyd. It seems like you two were in woods. It was silence. The only thing you could hear now was laughing coming from Lloyd and sound of crackling wood in a campfire.

You muttered and slowly sat up as you heard him laughing again. It was the same laugh you heard before fainting. Now you could finally see everything with good vision. Lloyd's hair that was now black for some reason quickly caught your eye. He still had that dark eye bags and his skin seemed to be paler than before. A grin wasn't disappearing from his face. You tried to remember what happened. You were lost in your thoughts trying to find an answer but the only thing that came to your mind was a name- Morro.

You muttered and looked at 'Lloyd' again.

"Wow at least you remember my name"
He replied. You started panicking but didn't want to show him. Your hands and legs were tied up with some kind of a rope.

"Who are you?! And what have you done with Lloyd!?"
You yelled.

"First shut up, im not in the mood to hear your screams."
He rolled his eyes.

"I'm Morro, I was the first and the BEST Wu's student. I'm a ghost."
He explained. Now he gave you more questions than answers.

"A ghost...? That possessed Lloyd?!"
You asked.

"At least you're smart. Yes, I did.''
He said as he finally made eye contact with you.

" ...why? Why would you do that? And why are you a ghost? And what do you want from me?"
You started bothering him with questions which annoyed the hell out of him.

"Could you shut up? You're annoying me."
He replied.

"I'll stop if you'll tell me what do you want from me and Lloyd."
You said trying to seem bold. He sighed.

"I wasn't planning on kidnapping you but after you came to me I knew you would be useful. First of all, now that im in Lloyds body I can read his mind and I see you two have a strong relationship which is perfect for blackmailing."
He said proudly.

"But there's also another reason...your power. Healing right?"
He asked and you nodded.

"With your power, I don't have to worry about the wounds. As a ghost, I can't be hurt in any way besides water but now that im in a real body i'll have to be more careful."
He explained. You let out a loud 'tch' sound.

"as if im going to help you. I dont know what you're planning but it's definitely something bad so dont even think I would help you."
You replied. He just grinned

''I think you forgot that I'm in Lloyd's body, I can even cut his hand off right now if I wanted to"
He said. You thought about this and he was right. Even if Morro is evil he's still in Lloyd's body and you dont want him to be hurt. 'damn, such a smart plan' you thought.

"Hm maybe I'm not going to cut his arm off but maybe just a little stab..."
He said as he took a knife from his pocket.

"No, no no! Please don't do that. You will feel the pain as well, right!?"
You said as you crawled closer to him.

"I've been in much more pain when I was alive, this is nothing compared to what I went trough''
He said and as you blinked blood started dripping from his arm. Of course, you couldn't just sit there and watch, you immediately crawled closer and used your power on him. In fact, it was more difficult since your arms were tied up but somehow you managed to do this anyways. As the wound disappeared you sighed in relief. Morro was only happy about how of a perfect plan he made.

"See? Thats why feelings are worthless. Only problems with them. If you wouldn't be so close with Lloyd you wouldn't help me either."
He said and handed you some kind of food that he just took off the stick that was lying beside campfire for a long time now.

"What is it?"
You asked and gave him a suspicious look.

He looked at you as if he thought you were dumb.

"How do I know if it's not poisoned?"
You questioned.

"I think I already proved to you that you're too important for me now."
He said and just slammed the food into your mouth which you almost choked on but somehow managed to chew and swallow.

"Now we're officially partners in crime''
Morro cheered.

"We're not. You literally kidnapped me.''
You said with a blank expression.

"That's just a detail."
He added. The atmosphere was weird. First, you were so mad at Morro and now it feels like if you're talking with a friend. You didn't want to let your guard off.

"So...are you going to kill me when you're done with this plan or whatever?"
You asked. Of course, it's not like you already lost your hopes. You knew Ninjas will ultimately find you and help you. You wanted to know more about his goals.

"Hm probably. I dont know yet."
He replied. You nodded and looked the other way.

"Go to sleep."
He commands.

"I dont think ill be able to''
You answered.

"I said got to sleep."
He said that with a deeper voice so you didn't argue and just laid on a cold ground. You felt eyes on you the whole time.

"You're not sleeping?"
You asked.

"No, I'm not that dumb. You would have a chance to run away."
He answered. You didn't say anything back. You just closed your eyes hoping to wake up in your room again and to see everyone together. Your brother Jay, Kai, Nya, Zane, Cole, Sensei Wu, Misako and...Lloyd.

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