Chapter 5: siblings are a diffrent thing

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You said. If you think about it, you dont know your biological family since you and Jay are adopted, and you knew that but you would never think that you would have powers like your brother.

"That cool!"
You yelled.

"Why are you yelling?"
The voice came from behind you, it was your brother standing in the doors.

You started jumping around him. He was clearly confused by the way you act

he said without any expression thinking its nothing important.

You screamed, Jay was stopped for a while because his brain has to process what he just heard. After a couple of seconds, he gasped.

"You have powers too?!"
He asked.

"Yes! I was talking with Kai and then I accidentally touched his shoulder right where he had this horrible scar but look! Now it's gone!"
You pointed on Kai's arm.

"So cool..."
He said.

he repeated himself and dragged you into a tight and kinda painful hug.

"This kind of power is just perfect for our team"
Lloyd says.

"Indeed. And thats, why we're gonna, start your training by tomorrow Y/n."
Sensei Wu said which made you feel as if you had butterflies in your stomach. 'People will finally notice me! After all these years of living in the brother's shadow, I can finally show off!" You thought to yourself.

And from this day you trained hard to be able to fully control your power. It wasn't easy because you didn't only train your powers but also you had to be strong physically. Nya, Jay and Zane were helping you study more about powers, limits etc. While Cole, Lloyd and Kai helped you with physical training. Now it was only a month from when you first used your power. You and Lloyd got closer, we can call it 'close friends' but sometimes you felt weirder around him, kind of happier. Whenever he helped you with something or you two just spent time together, you were always so happy, whenever you see him you feel like a warm sunny day came into your heart after a cold rain. It was a nice feeling.

Today everyone had a day off so you could finally relax. You laid in your room looking through your phone until someone knocked on your doors.

''Come in!"
You said with a louder tone. When the doors opened you saw Kai. He was in his casual look which was just jeans and a red hoodie. You weren't used to seeing him in this kind of clothing since the last month was pretty intense if we talk about training so all ninjas had their robes on almost every time. Talking about robes, Sensei Wu said you're gonna get your robe soon, which was very exciting.

"What's up?"
You ask.

"President invited us to some fancy party this weekend, he invited all ninjas, you're coming, right?"
You wanted to say yes but you weren't a ninja yet after all.

"But im not a ninja yet, I haven't helped you guys in a single mission. The only thing I do for now is just healing wounds but I dont fight with you guys."
You said with sadder look. He came closer and sat next to you.

"Hey what's that look!? You're one of us. You helped us so many times and only because you're not fighting together with us yet which im sure will happen soon anyway, doesn't mean you're not a ninja"
His words immediately made you feel better. Suddenly the atmosphere was...different. You felt something weird. It was a weird feeling but you have felt this way before. You felt this way before towards Lloyd but it wasn't Lloyd that is sitting in front of you now. It's Kai. You two looked into each other eyes without saying anything. You felt as if you should do something and by looking at the situation Kai thought the same because both of you moved closer to each other. For some reason, you couldn't help it. Only tiny centimetres was in between you and him. You felt your body warming up as if you did 500 push-ups. You got closer and closer you two almost kissed...and-

"Hey, Y/n!-''

Someone came in, you and Kai instantly distanced yourselves from each other. You looked at the person in the doors. It was your brother, coming in the wrong moment as always.

"Ey ey ey ey, what is happening here?"
He crossed his arms.

"Nothing Jay, Kai just asked me if I will go to the party too''

You said kind of annoyed but you also felt a bit relieved that nothing happened.

"Are you sure?"
Jay complained.

"We're sure Jay"
Kai replied with the same irritated voice as yours were.

"Mhm, mhm don't go after my sister Kai, thats not okay."
He said with an angry look

"Says a man that is dating my sister."
Kai said which made you giggle a little.

"W-well! Thats a different thing!"
He said.

"No, it's not"
You added up.

"Ugh, just shut up! If I see you two together i...uh i... I'm gonna be mad!"

Both you and Kai said in harmony without any expression which made Jay even angrier.

"Well, time for me"
Kai lets out and gets up. Jay waits for him to leave with crossed hands. When Kai was about to leave, he turned around and winked at you. Your brain couldn't process. You waited for them to close the doors and right after that, you screamed into your pillow 'why he gotta be like that!' You thought to yourself. Now you didn't have feelings only for Lloyd but also for Kai, great! You lay on your back and checked your phone. You've got a message from Lloyd.

Hey, wanna hang out?

Sure, when and where?

Now? And idk, maybe go to the city to just eat something?

Im up to it.

Great, let's meet up at bounty deck about 5 min.

'I can't stop thinking about what happened...' You thought to yourself.

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