Chapter 6: Feelings are confusing

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You got out of your bed and stretched a little, then took your bag and made your way upstairs but someone stopped you, again.

"We will finish this later"
The person said. Even tho you knew it was Kai you turned around anyway just to see him smiling. You tried to say something but only a mumble came out of your mouth so you just rushed upstairs because it was too awkward.

"Hey, Y/n!"
Lloyd greeted you. Seeing him again made you happy but you also couldn't stop thinking about what happened in your room just some minutes ago.

"Hey, Lloyd, what you wanna eat?"
You asked trying to not seem stressed.

"I should ask you this, I am the gentleman here"
He said which made you laugh. He always made you laugh and you love it.

"I'm in the mood for something sweet, what about you?"

"Girl, you are reading my mind"


Both of you decided to go to a café to eat some cake, have something to drink and just relax.

"What you gonna take?"
Lloyd questioned.

"I'm gonna take *your favourite cake/anything you want*"

"Good choice! Be right back, I will buy it"

"Okay I will pay you back"
You said opening your wallet.

"No need. I can pay for you."
He smiled.

''Are you sure?"
You asked to clear it up. He nodded and walked to the cashier. Meanwhile, you thought about the situation that happened in your room again and the words he said before you left 'we will finish this later'. Now you dont know what you want or expect. You like both Kai and Lloyd but at the same time, it seems like Lloyd just want to stay friends even if he never said that.

"There you go!"
Lloyds voice got you back from your thoughts.

You said and started eating, he did as well. It was complete silence for at least 2 minutes, these 2 minutes felt like whole 2 days. You finally decided to break this stillness.

"Lloyd... Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course, what's up?"

"Have you ever...been in love?"
You asked avoiding eye contact.

"Hmm... I'm not sure. Why you ask?"

"Nothing... Or actually there is something."

"Oh~ I know what's up, someone caught feelings"
He said with his cocky voice.

"No! It's not like that... Ugh well yeah, I do..."

He said with a smile on.

"I'm not telling!"
You replied which made him roll his eyes.

"But I just have this one problem..."
You said, he replied with a quick 'hm?'.

"Well, there are actually two people I like... Both of them are really amazing and I can't choose but I think that one of them doesn't like me at all..."
While you were telling him about that he just kept nodding.

"What should I do?"
You added up. It took Lloyd a really short time to answer. He was good at giving advice after all.

"I would consider telling the person that you think like you back and just confront them. If they like you back then you should think which one of them would be better for you"
He surprisingly was serious about this. Before you told him you were scared he's going to take that as a joke but he didn't. When he said that you were just about to tell him how you feel about him but something stopped you so you didn't.

"Okay, thank you"

"If you need anyone to talk just hit me up"
He said and continued eating. This whole conversation made you even more stressed. You were sure that Kai has some sort of feelings for you and you had feelings for him as well but there was also Lloyd BUT you also dont want to focus so much on your feelings because you have to continue your training to be a ninja. Feelings are so confusing...

It was pretty late now so you and Lloyd agreed on going back home. It was pretty warm for a late evening so the atmosphere was nice. Both of you were silent until Lloyd spoke up.

"Hey, Y/n... About what you asked me...I think there might be someone."
He said without even looking at you. You felt pain in your chest, not like physical pain but as if your head or maybe imagination made up this pain there.

"But you know, I dont think they like me back either..."
He said as he slowly moved his head down.

"I understand. But hey, you shouldn't be worrying about if they like you or not! You're perfect either way. If they don't see that, they got some real problem..."
You told him something you wanted to hear yourself. He smiled at you as he usually does which was a nice thing to see.

After a long walk, both of you made it up home. The rest wasn't sleeping, you could tell because the lights were on.

As you came inside everyone was enjoying their meal as they sat at the table.

"Well, where have you been this late?"
Jay asked.

"We were out to eat something"
Lloyd replied.

"I'm so tired for some reason... I will go to sleep now. Good night."
You said as you left to your room. In fact, you weren't tired at all. You just didn't felt like talking with anyone, even your brother so the best option at this moment was just to leave. You changed your clothes and lay on your bed. Thoughts were buzzing inside your head. You knew you shouldn't think about all this so much but you lost control over it. 'If Lloyd likes someone else...I think I should just try with Kai I guess' you thought to yourself and slowly closed your eyes causing yourself to fall asleep peacefully.

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