Chapter 11: Master of wind

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Today was the day you will have a chance to meet Misako AKA Lloyd's mom. She was on some kind of journey in the last time and thats why she wasn't with Lloyd for a while. You were pretty stressed to meet her to be completely honest.

You woke up and looked around. Of course, you were alone in your room. A clock hanging on the wall caught your was...9:58!?

You jumped out of your bed quickly and put on some random clothes you found on the floor which was some shorts and a t-shirt. You ran up to the bathroom and brushed your teeth. At this point, you didn't care how bad you look like. The floor was making this weird noise as you sprint through the corridors. You slammed the door from the kitchen open thinking of eating breakfast but then you saw Sensei Wu drinking his usual tea.

"I'm so sorry for being late, I promise ill do mu workout twice-"
You started yelling. Your voice cut when you saw a woman with round glasses and braided hair. Your brain started processing.

"Y/n, this is Misako, Lloyd's mother."
Wu said calmly as if he didn't care about the fact you overslept.

"Good morning Y/n, I've heard many good things about you."
Misako smiled.

"Good morning! Im so sorry for yelling and interrupting"
You replied as you bowed slightly to show respect.

"No worries sweetheart! Please sit down we made some breakfast. The others will come here in a second."
Misako answered with a nice, relaxed voice. You did as she told you to and sat next to Sensei Wu. As you sat down the doors opened again and behind them was standing Lloyd

"Good morning everyone!"
He cheered.

"Good morning son, please sit down breakfast will be in a minute"
Misako replied. Lloyd smiled and sat next to you which immediately started a conversation between both of you.

"Where are the others?"
You asked.

"They are brushing their teeth, they will be here in a moment-"
As Lloyd said that the doors opened once again only to reveal the rest of the squad. You greeted them happily and waited for everyone to sit down. Misako put the food at the table. It smelled truly delicious. Everyone agreed to start eating.

"Please hear me out, ninjas..."
We began talking. You could see that everyone started panicking inside. It was odd that Sensei wanted to talk with everyone...with his serious tone of voice.

"I and Misako thought about this for a while now and we decided that we need some more money."
Sensei explained.

"Thats why we decided to open a tea shop"
He continued. Everyone was pretty surprised but not in a bad way.

"Thats cool tho"
Lloyd replied as he had a full mouth of food.

"Yes, we already bought a place for the shop so today's day you will spend by helping us with unpacking."
Misako said with a bright smile. Jay and Kai groaned in disappointment. It was fine with you since you didn't have any better things yo do anyways. At least you'll have a chance to help someone.


Now everyone was in the shop place. The store looked nice and cozy. You, Jay and Kai started unpacking stuff on the shelf while Nya, Cole and Zane decorated the inside and outside as well. Work was going fast to be completely honest. Lloyd was at the place since 'he had to do something in the city' at least that what he said before he left.

Time went by and now everyone was finished with their tasks...and so of course sensei Wu found a new task.

"Okay hear me out, we need some promotion for our store. And thats why every one of you will go to the city and promote our shop...BUT no powers."
Sensei clarified. He gave everyone weird hats in the shape of a tea mug
and many papers. And so you and the other headed out to Ninjago city. Of course, at first, it didn't work. No one was interested so your team decided to...break some rules. Yes, everyone used their power except for you since in this situation your element of healing wasn't so useful. You watched and laughed as the ninjas were doing many funny things with their powers until...they couldn't? Their powers just...disappeared. You still had yours since you weren't a guardian of the green ninja...but that means something happened to Lloyd. You started panicking so you told the other something must happen. And so the team rushed back to the Tea shop hoping to see Lloyd there but...yeah he wasn't there.

"Sensei we lost our powers!"
Cole yelled. Sensei was truly confused at first but as the wind started to move like crazy, he knew exactly what was happening.

"Oh no..."
Wu muttered and not so long after Lloyd appeared in front of the store. He didn't look normal at all. He had dark eye bags and his skin was pale. You decided to investigate and check if something is happening with him. Your power can help. You did as you thought and you ran up to him.

"Y/n, no!"
You heard Kai's voice but you didn't listen. Lloyd's eyes were on you all the time which gave you chills. When you were close enough you finally spoke.

"Lloyd, are you okay?! You're so pale... I can heal you if something happened."
You worried. He gave you a strange look.

He asked. His voice was much deeper and different but you didn't pay much attention to it.

"Yeah! Dont you remember? I'm a master of healing!"
You said and looked around his body to see if he's bleeding somewhere or if he have wounds but you couldn't see anything. Suddenly Lloyd started...laughing? It was strange.

"Y/n, come back now! It's not Lloyd! Its Morro!"
You heard Sensei yelling as 'Lloyd' laughed louder and louder.

"Master of healing you say... Well, thats just perfect..."
'Lloyd' spoked. Suddenly he wrapped his hand around your neck as his eyes went on Sensei Wu and the other. His long and cold as ice fingers started to be tightening up around your neck which was now slightly red from the pressure, you started panicking inside.

"Put her down!"
Kai yelled, he was ready to fight.

"Dont move any closer or i'll kill her right here and now.''
Morro said which immediately stopped Kai. He was frustrated that he couldn't help you but of course, he didn't want to lose you completely either. At this moment Morro was choking you... You could hear fight noises but couldn't see much, everything was blurry and soon after you fainted.

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