MAIN ENDING (Lloyd's ending)

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You took a moment to analyze the situation so that you would not to repeat your own mistakes. The only thing in your mind was to protect Lloyd. That was a priority for you right now.

"Morro... I am not going to let you destroy someone I love."
You began, you could see him slightly shaking.

"You did so much against me, my friends and Lloyd."
You continued as your voice sounded more confident with every second. Morro seemed to be desperate.

"You were able to manipulate me into going with you even though I wanted to stay with my friends"
You weren't stopping.

"Yet... I still feel sympathy towards you."
You claimed and calmed your shoulders down a bit. Morro lifts his head to look at you. The shock on his face was too real to be faked. 

He asked with a shaky voice. You put on a warm smile as you pulled your hand towards him.

"Tell me, what kind of black magic did you use on me to make me feel pity for you. I definitely should've felt disgusted by you and yet I feel quite the opposite."
You looked down on him.

"My hand pulls out towards you by itself, as if my mission was to forgive you."
You whispered and watched him slowly taking your hand in his. You pulled him into a hug or more like a pretended hug since you couldn't feel him because of the fact he's a ghost.

"Come on Morro"

"Let's go home"

"We can still fix this mess"
You whispered slightly.


Zane sent out his falcon again to find you. Your eyes widened when you saw him since you didn't even know where your three is. After successfully communicating with the ninjas you could calm down a bit. As you waited for the help, Lloyd was still very exhausted which of course was very understandable. You were happy to see him as himself again.

Morro was very down because of the whole situation. He definitely needed some time with himself so he sat some meters from you and Lloyd and just stared at the starry sky. You trusted him enough to let him sit by himself

You could see how tired Lloyd was so you multiply recommended him to get some sleep but he refused. He said that he wants to talk with you as much as possible.

"I missed you so much Y/n... I mean I was technically with you this whole time but... It wasn't the same."
He claimed. You two continued to have your dialogue when suddenly something hit you. Did you kiss Lloyd or Morro..? Physically it will always be Lloyd but what about mentally. You were afraid to ask Lloyd if it was him or not.

"Hey, Lloyd... I've been willing to ask you something"
You began. He let out a louder 'hm?'

"When you kissed me... O-or more like Morro... Or was it you? I don't want to make it awkward but I need to know if it was Morro or... You."
Your hands started sweating from the stress you felt. His cheeks turned bright red as he looked down on the ground.

He started.

"Remember when I told you about someone I like? It's not the right situation to say that but... Well from the first moment I saw you I felt some kind of connection with you... I felt as if we know each other for ages."
He explained.

"And yes... The person I like is... You. And it was me. I made Morro leave my body right before he kissed you"
He claimed. Your brain couldn't fully process what just happened so you remained silent until he opened his mouth to say something again.

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