Chapter 8: Fuck it

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"I think we should go now"
Nya said as she dragged you and Kai out of her room.


The party took place in one of the highest skyscrapers in Ninjago. Everyone was now in an elevator going all the way up. You were kinda stressed because it is your first party like this. As the doors opened you could immediately smell the scent of rich people. The room was filled with fancy looking folk. Ladies in long colourful dresses instantly crowed around Lloyd and other ninjas, leaving you and Nya behind, although it wasn't surprising you felt kinda odd anyway. Suddenly you caught the eye of a tall woman.

"And who are you?"
She asked without any bigger expression.

"Oh, my name is Y/n-"

"Yeah, she's the master of healing, AND my sister, cool right?"
Jay cut you off. You sighed and laughed awkwardly.

"Oh uhm, cool I guess... So do you date, anyone in the team?"
The woman asked again but this time her tone was more irritated for some reason. As she said that Kai looked over at you.

"Oh no no! I am uh...well I dont think being in a relationship right now is the best idea, I still need to train and-"
You tried to explain but the woman sighed with the same annoyed tone and just walked away making you feel uncomfy. You looked down at the floor. You zoomed out in your thoughts again but someone caught your attention. It was Lloyd.

"Don't worry Y/n, as soon as you will be ready to fight, everyone will know your name! I promise"
He smiled brightly. It was so impressing that he always knew what to say in the right situation. It's not surprising that he's going to be the next sensei.

"Thanks, Lloyd, it's fine."
You replied as you smiled back.

"By the way..."
He started.

"So like, you and Kai are officially a thing?"
He asked and grinned.

"No no! Why would you think that?"
You giggled awkwardly and looked over at Kai that was far away from laughing with all the other guests. Suddenly his eyes went on you as well so you quickly changed your direction back at Lloyd.

"Jay told me, you guys kissed!"
He laughed.

"Huh?! We didn't! I promise! I mean we were about to do it but nothing happened."
You said and rolled your eyes on the thought of how your brother can never shut up.

"Fine, fine"
He replied.

"Oh my, Lloyd Garmadon!"
The guest that just came through the doors of the elevator yelled. You could see that Lloyd wasn't in the mood for this now.

"I'll be right back..."
He sighed and smiled at the guest to show how 'happy' he is to see them. Now you were alone sipping juice from a tiny glass. Lost in thoughts once again. You thought about the scene with Kai again where you almost kissed him, but this time your brain made up the continuation scene when you did kiss him. Your face started warming up.

"Hey, are you okay?"
You heard a familiar voice. You looked up and wasn't surprised at all. It was Kai.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine! What are you doing here?"
You questioned.

"Just wanted to check up on you..."
He explained.

"Well actually there is something I want to talk about"
He admitted and looked right into your eyes.

"Well go on!"
You replied with a slight smile on your face

"Could we do that on...a more private place?"
He inquired.

"Of course"
You said trying to have an as calm and comforting voice as possible since you felt like he was feeling down about something. He took your hand and slowly led you to go through all the people. Unsurprisingly their eyes were all over you two, well, of course, they were. For some reason, people love seeing the specific relationship in the team. After a moment you were standing in front of metal doors that most possible led to the roof of the building. He led you up on the tiny probably old stairs. There was another door that looked the same as the other one. As he opened them chills went down your spine since it was a bit cold outside tonight. Both of you stepped out. You watched as he sat on the ground. He looked up at you and patted the place next to him showing you that you can sit there. You did as he wanted you too.

"So what is it you wanted to talk about?"
You pleaded.

''Well...Remember when I was in your room"
He began. You nodded slightly already knowing what is going to happen.

"Well we didn't finish"
He grinned and moved his head towards yours. It made you smile. Both of you moved closer to each other but faster than the last time. It wasn't even a second and your lips touched. The kiss was very passionate, for some reason you felt as confident as he was so you just went with it. You felt nice and warm. You didn't know if it was warm because he's the master of fire or if it was just you. Both of you didn't stop until...a thought came to your mind. A thought you boy that you had feelings for too, it was such a weird feeling that you broke the kiss but not normally. You just moved your face away from him quickly which made him a bit uncomfortable.

"Is everything okay? Did I do something wrong?"
He asked with a worried tone. Of course, you couldn't just tell him that you thought about Lloyd while you kissed Kai so you had to make an excuse.

"No no! I just... I accidentally bite my tongue"
You answered. He looked at you with a blank expression for a moment and then burst out in laughter. Seeing him laughing was a situation where you just couldnt hold laugh inside yourself so you did the same.

"Aw man, I...I think I fell in love with you"
He said as he cooled down. You slowly stopped laughing too. As he said that you felt...happy but also unsure about your feelings. You wanted to tell him 'yeah, I fell in love with you too' but also ' sorry, Im not sure about my feelings'. A quick flashback went through your mind.  This flashback was Lloyd, he said 'I like someone'. You thought about it for a second. 'Fuck it' you said to yourself in your mind and placed your palms on Kai's cheeks which immediately made him a bit nervous.

"I think I fell in love with you too"

|I need you!|𝕃𝕝𝕠𝕪𝕕 𝔾𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕒𝕕𝕠𝕟 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 Where stories live. Discover now