chapter 14: Stiix

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Morro mumbled your name and turned towards you. He walked closer which made you worry a little since you had no idea what he's going to do. As he stood right in front of you, you slowly looked up in slight fear.

"Get your ass up, we are going to some other place"
He continued and shortly after a huge green dragon appeared right next to you. Your eyes widened at the sight of this creature. Morro picked you up so that you were laying on his shoulder as he held your legs. You weren't feeling comfortable in this position but it soon ended as Morro placed you on the back of the dragon and sat with his back in front of you. You didn't say a word just hoping for one of the ninjas to show up although you would rather like to save yourself you just couldn't. Short after the dragon flew up which made you make a noise.

"Are you scared of dragons?"
Morro asked.

"No, I'm not."
You answered.

"Good, cause we're going to fly a bit."
He said. Now it was a good 2 minutes of awkward silence until the black-haired boy finally decided to spoke.

"Y/ you"
He raised a question. His voice was a bit softer than before and it was easy to point this out.

"Yeah, I do. My mom, dad, my brother Jay...the other ninjas are like the family to me too"
You explained.

"Oh, I guess"
He responded. For some reason, you wanted to talk more with him so you continue the conversation.

"What about you? Do you have...or did you had a family before you died?"
You asked. He didn't answer quickly. You had to wait for a little but then he responded.


Even tho he was your enemy you felt bad for him.

"Oh...I'm sorry to hear that"
You announced.

"Why would you care anyway..."
He said back with his mad voice. You didn't say anything but just sighed. You decided to take a risk and ask him another question.

"How did you die?"

It was probably a sensitive subject for him but you didn't care at all at the moment. He was evil after all.

"... I perished in caves of despair."
He answered shortly. You just nodded in understanding even tho he couldn't see you.

The silence was back again. You didn't want to say anything since you weren't sure if he was offended by the question.

"Are you and, together? You know like boyfriend and girlfriend?"
He suddenly asked which was truly unexpected.

"N-no! No no, im together with someone other... Why do you ask?"
You spoke unsurely.

"I was just wondering since I know what Lloyd is feeling or thinking..."
He explained which made you think, 'why would he ask about that...' You thought.

"Are you and Kai close?"
He asked again.

"Yeah... He's my boyfriend after all"
You answered. For a moment you forgot that you were talking with Morro and not Lloyd.

"Wait! What am I doing!? You're going to use this information against me dont you?!"
You yelled, he responded with a quick giggle.

"I was wondering when you're gonna realise that."
He laughed again.

"Oh, we're here"

Suddenly the dragon started flying down or more like falling. You gasped and was prying to not die at this moment. As the dragon finally landed on the ground, Morro pushed you out of the dragon's back.

You yelled loud enough for him to get annoyed.

"Dont be traumatic and come here quickly."
He said.

"Dramatic? Me dramatic!?"
You started mumbling and cursing under your breath as you walked up to him. Suddenly both of you stood in front of a huge building.

"What is this place...?"
You questioned.

"Library of Domu"
He answered you quickly as he dragged you by your right arm. You rolled your eyes on him and just followed. Both of you wandered through the corridor, it smelled like old books there. Suddenly you entered the main hall with many shelves. Morro started looking around to find something he needed. Quick after a large banner caught his eye. On the banner, an old-looking man was sitting or more like levitating while doing a...whirl? 'Spinjitzu? can't fly while doing spinjitzu...' You thought. Morro was annoyed and started arguing with people working there.

"Where is Airjitsu scroll?!"
He yelled and was about to hit the man in brown clothing with a hood on.

"T-the s-scroll was s-stolen by an m-man called R-ronin."
The man answered all feared. Morro groaned and let the man in hood go. Once again he dragged you out. Both of you were about to leave but two boys that had the same clothing as the previous one stopped you.

"Oh my god, it's the green ninja!"
One of them said.

"Can we have an autograph?"
The other continued. Morro sighed and signed the paper they gave him.

"Let's take a selfie!"
One of the boys said and took a truly ugly picture of 'Lloyd'. Morro got all angry again so he just left still dragging your arm that was probably all red now. You ran together with him which was uncomfortable not only because your hands were still tied up but also because you had no idea what is happening. What is Airjitzu? Why does Morro need it? Who is Ronin!? So many questions but no answers.

"Morro where are we going now?"
You asked out of breath.

"Shut up and get on the dragon"
You sighed in an irritated tone but did as he told you to. Not so long after the dragon was flying again. He calmed down a bit and looked over at you.

Morro said. 'Stiix?' You thought. You've heard this name before, ninjas were there on a mission, of course, they left you home since you had to train. This village was surrounded by water...kinda weird that Morro wanted to go there. The atmosphere seemed to calm down again which relieved you. Now you just have to sit with this annoying ghost for some long time again...

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