Chapter 3 "I had a dream..."

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''Water. It felt like I was drowning, but not really drowning. I screamed and screamed but no one seemed to be around. My arms were reaching forward when I suddenly hit something. Glass. I tried to keep calm and got forward in what seemed to be a box or something. My eyes were open, the water was like being in smoke, not being able to see anything. I suddenly spotted a figure. Starting to freak out again I banged my fists on the glass to get the persons attention. The figure moved closer as I continued to panik.
The figure was dark-haired and had brown eyes, a familiar feature. It felt like it was real like all of this had happened. The person stepped even closer and that when I recognized the face. Thomas. He didn't budge and only stood there, not doing a thing. A woman dressed in white walked up to Thomas and said something I couldn't hear. She then looked at me and smiled before saying something more.
Banging my fists on the glass and screaming, air bubbles leaving my mouth. It was a diffrent feeling, I screamed and screamed without drowning. Yet I could feel the water entering my lungs.
The next socond I felt my self losing my breath. The stinging sensation of water going down my throat without me swallowing it. Then-''

You woke up with a gasp for air. Putting your hand on your chest. Taking deep breaths to calm your heart down. You looked over to the boys to see them fast asleep. The morning sun had just started to hit the glade, alerting that it was morning. You knew there were no idea of going back to sleep. You would either just have time to fall right back only to be waked up again or not be able to fall asleep before everyone start to wake up. You stood up from your hammock, glancing over to the field you saw Alby and Thomas walking to the wall. That meant he was gonna get to put his name on it. You then remembered your dream with Thomas in it. You sighed and decided on start working on the new homestead to clear your mind.

You had built the skeleton of the new homestead to get a view of how it was gonna look some weeks ago. You started with the roof. Climbing up the tree just by it to come up on the roof. You had put some planks leaning on the tree to have an easy reach for them. Every time the hammer banged you couldn't help but get angrier and angrier over the fact what you had seen in your dream. It was to real to only be a dream.

As you were gonna bang the hammer again you stopped in your tracks. In front of you there now sat a small lizard, green and barely as big as your palm. It stuck it's tongue out and quickly put it in it's mouth again. The small animal seemed to tilt it's head at you, you doing the exact same. You smiled at the littel lizard and quickly but carefully it walked up your arm and sat on your shoulder. You continued working and ranted to the lizard about your dream and small flashback like things happened almost every time you banged the hammer.

"(y/n)? Hey (y/n)!" You looked down to see Minho fully geared up. You climbed down to talk to him.
"Is it something?" You scrunched your eyebrows.
"You weren't at breakfast and Newt was worried since we haven't seen you." He looked at your shoulder to see the small lizard sitting there and not doing anything more than inspecting him.
"Oh... I had a dream that... well." You puased. "If I tell you this you can't tell the person it is about!"
"Of course!" The two of you sat down. You told him about your dream and how it felt to real and all of the small memories you thought it was. He didn't say anything and only nodded the whole time.

"(y/n)... I think it's just your imagination playing tricks on you. You know your imagination can be very extreme and you seemed fin with Thomas yesterday."
"It's not just my imagination this time Minho! It feels like I been though it!" You stood up giving Minho a serious and trubbled look, the lizard not budging.
"Greenbeen-" "No! Don't greenbeen me! You don't believe me, do you?!" You cut Minho off. He didn't say anything and stood up, eyes on the ground. You disappointingly looked at him.
"I'm sorry but I know how your imagination works..."
"Go... just go to the maze." You tried to wave him off. He opened his mouth to say something but you cut him off again.
"Don't." You coldly said passing by him, going to find Newt.

"Newt!" He turned around to see you walking up to him, relived he let out a breath to see that you were okey. He stopped what he was doing only for you to grab his wrist and dragging him away from the others. He couldn't help but blush at the sudden act. At first he had a big grin on his face but when he saw your trubbled face his grin was replaced by a frown.
"What is it? You look trubbled." He stopped you, seeing as the two of you were far away from the others. He then, just like Minho, noticed the lizard.
"You replaced me with a lizard?" You cracked a small smile.
"No. But can I tell you something? Minho wouldn't belive me..." He slowly nodded, unsure of what else to do.
You explained exactly the same way you did to Minho about your dream. Not missing any small detail.

It was silent for a while as Newt was very unsure of what to think. He thought it sounded as you told the truth. It weren't that often you were this serious about something.
"Look (y/n), I not saying I don't believe you but we don't know for sure." You looked at him as you were completely done with everything.
"So technically you are saying you don't believe me but don't wanna admit it." He sometimes hated how smart you actually were and how easily you could look through a person.
"Listen we don't know if it's really memory's or just your brain playing but if it turns out true then we can talk about it.
"So you don't believe a person you known for one and a half year over a guy you known for less than twenty-four hours?" His head was low, knowing he should have tried to say it in a less nonbeliveing way. You couldn't believe him and just brushed past him. Leaving Newt feeling stupid for what he said.

When you reached Gally and the other builder still repairing some old huts you still were irritated and disappointed.
"I'll do it Gally!" You grabbed the hammer from his hand and started banging it hard. He jumped at every hit you made. When you made a last one, glaring at the wall angrily. He carefully took the hammer away from you.
"Whoa... did you wake up on wrong g side of the hammock this morning?" Gally joked, unusual for being him.
"No just..." "You just?" He softly questioned.
You knew you could trust Gally, you saw him as a brother. Well third time is a charm, you for the third time in probably an hour told Gally about your dream with Thomas. How Minho and Newt really didn't believe it was real.

"I knew there was something with that shank." You were confused to say the last.
"You believe me?"
"Yeah, why wouldn't I? I know you better than that shank." The two of you talked about it for some time. Gally listened closely and were really good at giving advise. He told you to not give Thomas to much attention by not talking to him if he didn't talk to you. He also told you that you should take your time with Newt and Minho to calm down from it all, but not cutting them off completely. Because he knew you needed them.

Later that day at dinner:
Ben had just been banished for being stung. It hit hard to have someone being banished. But you tried to move on.
You walked toward dinner alone. You had gotten  permission from Gally to build on the new homestead alone to clear your mind and keeping yourself distracted. The littel lizard had keept with you all day and had either been sitting on your shoulder, head or clinging to your clothes. As you got your plate you walked up to Frypan to get your food, smiling at him before walking away.

You stopped when your saw Newt and Minho sitting with Thomas and they noticed you. They smiled thinking you would be over it, but you were not. Just then you felt a hand on your back that started to push you away. Looking to your right you saw Winston. He had heard from Gally about your small fight with the two boys.
He gave you a smile as you walked over to sit with the builders, slicers and Chuck.
Sitting down next to Gally and Chuck you started to eat and engaged in the conversation

"Whoa, nice lizard (y/n)!" Chuck looked at the green littel creature who sat on your hand munching on some potato.
"What's it's name?" One of the guys smiled.
"I think Noot!" You exclaimed and petted it's head.
"Like Newt?" "No N-o-o-t, Noot!" Newt had heard his name from where he sat and looked over.

Newt saw you saying something that caused all of the boys burst out laughing. Even Gally, Gally laughed! Just then Newt saw Gally put an arm around your head and rubbing his fist on your head. You scrambling out of his grip and smaking his arm.
"You okey mate?" Minho kinda knew about Newt liking you and understood that all of this tore the relationship the two of you had more apart.
"Yeah." Thomas looked over at you and the other boys joking around before turning back.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, she'll be around." Newt stood up and walked away.

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