Chapter 27 "The last city keeps secrets"

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Jorge put down the mental that was protecting him as there was no glass where the window should be kn the car. He looked at all of you I the rear-viwe mirror, to him it was unbelievable.
"You good?" Thomas asked the three of you. You nodded.
"Yeah." Newt and Frypan answered Thomas. Jorge let out a chuckle and looked in the rear-viwe mirror at all of you again.
"I'm impressed, you lasted almost a day." He laughed and looked back at the road. Brenda turned in her seat. She gave the boys looks that told she couldn't believe them.
"I'm sorry, I didn't wanna drag you guys into this!" Thomas explained but Brenda only looked at the boys, sparing you the looks. Jorges cocked an brow at Thomas.
"Hey, I think what he tryna say is thank you!" Frypan poked his head up from behind Thomas and Newt.
"You're welcome." Brenda smiled, Thomas returned it and she turned back. You sat so you had your face in the space between Brenda's and Jorges seat. Brenda looked at you with a smile and ruffled your hair. You laughed a littel and fixed up your hair.

"Hey don't get your hopes up. That check point over there that's the city's self defense. I that is filled with cranks then the rest must be too." Jorge explained. But as Newt looked over he noticed something.
"Yeah unless they've figured out another way to keep the cranks out." You looked over to see walls. Jorge who also looked over took one quick glance before he stopped at a open place and stomped on the breaks. Making the car stop almost immediately. Dust flew around the car at the sudden stop. You waited for Thomas and Newt to jump out before you jumped out yourself. Fryoan stayed in the car but looked at what the rest of you looked at. There was a city indeed, but walls was surrounding it. There were buildings out side the walls too. Much like the scorch.
"They've got to be kidding!" You put your hand on your hips and let out a puff of air.
"Funny, spent three years behind walls tryna break out now we wanna break back in." Newt looked at you and Frypan.
"Yeah it's hilarious." Frypan commented.
"Jorge what do we do?" Thomas turned to the man and he sighed. Shrugging.
"Don't look at me hermano, those walls are new. Guess that's W.C.K.Ds answer for everything."
"Well we ain't gonna figure it out from up here." Brenda stated staring to walk back to the car. "Let's go!"
Jorge walked back into the car, you and Newt noticed Thomas not moving. Newt walked over to him and you stayed in your place listening.
"Do you really think he's in there?" Newt stood beside Thomas.
"Guess we'll find out." Thomas said plainly. You sighed and walked up to them.
"Thats definitely where Minho is." You said with confidence.
"We don't know th-" "You don't but I do. Teresa came and talked to me about two weeks ago." You cut Thomas off.
"What do you mean love?" The two looked at you.
"Two weeks ago she came to talk to me. She tried to negotiate with me, getting me to understand why she did it. But when I didn't she got up to leave and only said 'See you in the last city (y/n)'."
Thomas looked at Newt and then the city in the distance. They were silent before looking back at you.
"You're sure?" Thomas questioned.
"Yeah." You said before going back to the car and jumping in. Getting in easily. You sat down. Thomas and Newt came not far after you and jumped in. Jorge asked if everyone was there and you all were. He then took of.

While Jorge drove over the sand road you took in the landscape. Just like the glade it had it's own beauty. The glade was beautiful with the forest, all the small huts and the green grass covering the area. This area was sandy with a road leading across it, plants scattered dead or alive, even though the debris or abandoned cars laying around it was beautiful in it's own way.
"If you think about it, it's quite lovely landscape." You commented, Frypan, Thomas and Brenda looked at you like you were crazy.
"How though?" Brenda smiled at you. You shrugged and leaned back. Looking over the view.
"Guess I've just been isolated for so long that I forgot the outside." You glanced at all if them. Newt knew you had an ability to see beauty in something so simple, things no on else could.
"Did you never get to go out?" Frypan asked curiously.
"Never, you were either in a room getting blood drained or in your room with your four roommates."

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