Chapter 37 "Sunset date"

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The sun shone down by the hammock. The bright light waking Newt up. He blinked. Looking down he saw you still asleep next to him. He looked around tiredly. Minho and Thomas were seated not far away, awake. Thomas noticed Newt being awake.
"Morning!" He called.
"Hey, what time is it?" Newt questioned the boys. Thomas looked at the clock. But Minho was faster.
"Almost nine! So it's time for breakfast!" Minho stood up and walked over. When he reached you and Newt still in the hammock her couldn't help but look in awe.
"Well, ehhh... am I supposed to wake her up or?" Newt asked Minho, pointing down at you. Minho sighed at Newt.
"Well yeah, I won't now that she's your girlfriend!" Minho put his hands up and walked away. Newt sighed, knowing he'd probably get smacked for waking you up. He carefully poked you on the back. Making you move around a littel. He then proceeded to shake you gently. Preparing for getting smacked he was surprised when  the only thing happened was you yawning. He looked down to see you rubbing your eyes. He sighed and smiled.
"Hello darling" He smiled at you, you return it.
Newt leaned down and kissed your forehead. You wrap your arms around his waist and snuggled closer to him. He laughed.
"We have to get up," Newt started to move trying to get out. But you were persistent and held on to him tightly.
"Noooo! We don't!" You whined. Not letting go, but then you realized. Today you and minho was gonna play soccer, tag and more things that Brenda had told the two of you about.
"On second thought we have to get up!" You quickly got of Newt and stood beside, waiting for him to get up. He chuckled at you, not really knowing what made you change your mind. He got out of the hammock and stood up. He grabbed your hand and the two of you walked off to breakfast.
You'd been in safe haven for two days, it was nice. You'd spent yesterday to just have a calm day and reloading your energy, also spending time with friends. But today, your second day, Minho and you had planned on playing all if the diffrent games Brenda hand told you guys about and those like soccer tagt you played in the glade. Newt thought, he had plans too, for the two of you. But he needed you to be gone fore some hours so he could fix it.

You reached breakfast. It was a range of sandwiches, milk and cereals or yogurt, juice and much more. You grabbed a plate and filled ut with all of the yummy food. Waiting for Newt before going to sit down with the others. When Newt was done you walked over to the rest.
"(y/n) back me up!" Aris said as you sat down. You looked confused at your brother.
"About what?" You stuffed a pice of sandwich in your mouth.
"I don't like Sonya, and you know that! These two doesn't belive me!" Aris pointed to Brenda and Frypan. Newt looked up at Aris.
"You like my sister?" He asked, Aris gulped as he remembered. "It's fine mate, she seems to like you too." Newt then told him as he noticed Aris getting intimidated. He let out a sigh of relief.
"Sorry Aris but you seem to like her!" You told him. Aris put his head in his hands and all of you began to laugh. You then got a smug smile on your face.
"But Fry, Brenda... the two of you are awfully close." You  watched as Brenda went red and Frypan's eyes widening. Laughter once again erupted at the table.
"What are you guys doing today?" Thomas asked everyone. Minho grinned as he downed the last of his juice.
"Me and beanie is gonna play soccer, tag and probably just run around being kids the whole day!"
"Why are you gonna do that?" Gally looked up from his food, confusion written all over his face.
"Why not, we don't have anything better to do now do we?" Minho asked him. This was perfect for Newt, now he could fix to later without having you around.
"Just let them Gally, it's easier without any questions." Frypan sighed as he stood up with Thomas, that two of them being done. You stuffed the last pice of your sandwich in your mouth. Quickly chewing and swallowing. When your done you look at Minho, nodding the two of you stand up to run away but just as your about to start running you get stopped.
"Hold on there darling." Newt grabbed your arm and pulled you towards him. Then wrapping his arm around your waist as you stand beside him.
"Something wrong?" You ask him sweetly.
"When it's dinner time met me by the meeting tent, okey?" He asks you. You look at him curiously.
"Okey!" You then smile at him. You try to run away but he keeps his arm around your waist. You look at him and he looks at you innocently. You think for a hit second before leaning down and pecking his lips quickly. When you pull away he smiles and releases you. You smile at him and run over to Minho.
"Let's go Min!" You yell while jumping on his back and he runs away. The others laugh at you and Minho.
"It's hard to believe Minho is eighteen and (y/n) seventeen." Gally shakes his head at the two of you. Newt take a sip of his drink and watches as Thomas and Frypan is seated with Vince and Jorge talking. Brenda, Aris and Gally then look at each other. Them all silently agreeing to something.
"Well Newt," Brenda starts, grabbing his attention back.
"Um yeah? Something wrong?" He asks her. The three sits on opposite side of him, leaving him all alone on his side.
"What are you planning for you and (y/n) later? Seems like you have an idea." Aris look at him.
"I thought her and I could go and watch the sunset and the starts later." Newt says a littel embarrassed.
"What do you need help with?" Gally asks him. Making Newt light up like a christmas tree.

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