Chapter 9 "A twin brother"

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You felt the light hit you behind your eyelids. A trobbing headache shot though you head. Groaning at the pain, Newt, Minho and Chuck who had been sitting by the pit with Teresa waiting for you and Thomas to wake up looked over at you.
"(y/n)!" Chuck happily exclaimed, only to get shushed by Newt as he saw you had a headache. Opening your eyes you carefully sat up. Looking around you always you were in the pit, it had been a while.
"Fuck, that hurt." You sighed as you looked up at the three.
"How are you?" Minho scrunched his eyebrows at you, worriedly. Lifting the bottom of your shirt you saw the sting being gone.
"Amazing, never felt better." You stretched before standing up. The three of them smiled at you. Newt opened the pit for you, Minho lifting you out, as you were a bit short to get out yourself.
Newt just looked at you. Brushing of your clothes you then glanced up at Newt. He didn't hesitate to pull you in for a hug, burying your face into his chest.
"Okey lovebirds, think of the kid!" Letting go and turning you and Newt saw Minho giving you two a 'really?' look while covering Chucks eyes.
"What even happened yesterday?" Chuck moved Minhos hand from his face.
"I was running to the council hall when my arm started to hurt so I decided to go for the box with Gally and the others, but just as I turned to run I got stung."
"Well it's good we had a third syringe." Newt pointed out as you sat down in the grass in front of the other pit where Thomas and Teresa was.
"Right, other wise you would leave me with these boys!" Teresa joked, you smiled softly at her while the boys gasped dramatically.

"Do you remember anything, (y/n)?" Teresa then got serious, looking up at you from the pit.
"Well?" Minho scooted closer to you, nudging your side. As of what you remembered you crossed your arms over your chest, feeling a bit uncomfortable.
"I remember all the girls from the other maze." You puased, looking at everyone. "I know why I'm so scared of the maze, but still get a adrenaline rush from it. I-... I had a twin brother."
Everyone looked at you in shock. You felt happy to know you used to have someone before, but yet you didn't remember more than that from the mazes. Not even his name...
"What was his name? How are you scared of the maze?" Chuck questioned. You not really keeping up with what he was saying as you still felt groggy from the night 'sleep'.
"I don't remember his name or I only remember him before the mazes. But I do know why I am a bit scared of the maze."

Quickly standing up. You in one swift motion took of your long-sleeve, leaving you in tank top. Looking down at your chest area, the well noticed scar that stretched from your right shoulder down over where your heart was and further down your tank top.
"That's the reason?" Newt curiously looked at you, trying to keep his calm as you were in tank top. You nodded rapidly, then putting your long-sleeve on again and sitting down with the others. Looking down to see Thomas still out.
"It's from a griever, I got it like two weeks before coming here. I wasn't running those weeks." It explained a lot of things. They told you about how Gally had taken control over the glade and was gonna banish Teresa and Thomas at sun down. You cared for Gally with all your heart but what he was doing was wrong and you knew it to well.

After stting and waiting for Thomas to wake up he finally awoke.
"Hey, are you okey?" You heard Teresa softly questioned as you sat against newts back picking on the grass. You turned around, seeing Thomas sit up.
"What the hell were you thinking?" Chuck shocked you with his tone.
"He's right, why the hell sting yourself?" You looked over to see Teresa turning around. Minho and Newt looked at you and Chuck, you only putting your hands in the air.
"What happened?"
"Gallys taken control, he said we had a choice. Either join him or get banished at sun down with you." Newt calmly cleared up.
"Well, I didn't get to choose but if I could... I'd rather get banished with you two." Thomas and Teresa gave you week smiles. Even though you didn't trust Thomas fully you'd rather get banished than staying in the glade at the moment.
"The others agree to that?" Thomas moved to the corner of the pit.
"Gally has everyone convinced that you are the reason all of this has happend."
"Well he's so far..." You scrunched your eyebrows in confusion.
"What are you talking about?" Minho seemd just as confused.
"This place.. is not what we thought it was. It's not a prison, it's a test. It all started when we were kids, they'd give us these challenges they were experimenting on us." Thomas puased. "Then people started disappearing, every month one after another. Like clock worth."
"And sent them up the maze..." Newt pointed out.

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