Brain Invaders

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I open my eyes to bright light. I yawn and shakily make my way over to where Ahsoka and Barris are getting off a transport. I see a Geonosian getting on it, what did I miss? "What did I miss?" I hiss to my fellow padawans.

"They found the queen, she had some kind of mind control thing, they killed the queen, and took Poggle."

"Oh-kay. I don't need all the details, I'm sure." We start to pay attention as Ki-Adi Mundi gets off the ship that Potty the Lesser was being loaded onto. 

"I'm afraid we have a complication," Mundi says. I roll my eyes. Don't we always?

Anakin says, "Don't we always?" I allow myself a slight smile. 

Mundi continues, "I've just received a distress signal from our forces on Dantooine. Master Windu's defenses held, but at a great cost to his men. They need medical supplies immediately. We can obtain these supplies at the medical station near Ord Cestis."

Anakin frowns. "We're delivering Poggle to Coruscant, and Cestis is not exactly on the way."

Luminara steps forward. "The republic must begin debriefing Poggle right away if we are to get useful intelligence from him."

"Master," Anakin walks behind Ahsoka, Barris, and I. "I suggest we let our padawans handle the supply mission. 

"Whatever needs to be done, master. I'm happy to help." Wow, that was... Deferential. Ahsoka is complicated, half the time she is defiant and snippy and the other half she's just trying to do whatever is best. There's no in-between. 

"As am I," Barris puts in, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Ellor, Obi-Wan will be recovering there," Anakin informs me. I smile at him. Excellent, I can regale him of my tale of how I saved the day. Maybe the station can do something for my toes, they still didn't work. If they didn't get better my balance could get totally thrown off. 

"Very well. Take a medical frigate, and we'll meet up with you at the medical center." Luminara effectively ends the conversation by sweeping onto the transport containing Poggle. 

Ahsoka, Baris, and I load onto the medical frigate with a clone escort. It takes off and we leave the bug-planet behind, finally. "We are ready to make our jump, master Fisto," Barris says to the computer screen with Kit Fisto on the other end. 

"Good. I look forward to your arrival," the green Jedi says, and we jolt into hyperspace. Barris and Ahsoka got to the barracks to sleep, and I follow, but I'm already well-rested and decide to meditate on the top of the bunk I share with Ahsoka. 

I cross my legs and take a deep breath. I reach out with the force, submerging myself in it. It's different from when I take energy and strength from the force, that's more like taking the force and harnessing it. In meditation I let it harness me. I brush my consciousness out toward the clones and the ship, but a sharp sense of anxiety pokes uncomfortably into my mind. I follow that thread back to Ahsoka, who is tossing and turning on her bunk. Barris is still her typical serene self. I spool myself back into my body and poke my head under my bed. 

"What's up?" I whisper to Ahsoka. Barris starts paying attention to us.

"It's too quiet. It's a big change from all the fighting these past few days," 

"You should enjoy this peace while it lasts," Barris says. 

"I can't. Let's go eat," she says. I grab the ledge of the bed next to my head and flip to the ground, wavering a bit as my numb toes remind me of the balance change. Barris and Ahsoka get up as well. 

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