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We had lost Geonosis. And now Poggo the Lesser or whatever his name was has ray shields for his droid factories. That's mildly annoying. Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ahsoka, Ki Adi Mundi, and I were going to retake the planet, or at least some factories. "I can't believe we're back here again," Obi-Wan says to General Mundi. Oh right, he had been a prisoner of Count Dooku here once. He seemed so unaffected by it, all the more reason... Nope, focus. I zone back in as General Skywalker and Ahsoka walk in. "You're late," Obi-Wan tells his last padawan.

"Sorry Master, we were busy routing seppies near Dorn," Anakin says in a light tone. 

"My squadron alone had fifty-five kills," Ahsoka says smugly.

"Yeah, but mine had seventy-six," Anakin responds.

Ahsoka rolls her eyes. "Show off."

"Well, I'm glad you two are enjoying yourself," Obi-Wan cuts in.

"Hey, it's just a little friendly competition. Nothing to worry about."

"What I'm worried about is that this war is becoming very drawn out." I nod. 

"Just like this dialogue. We should skip to the fun parts," I grumble. Obi-Wan gives me a half-smile. 

"Well, it's time for the briefing, so you will continue to be disappointed my padawan." Ugh. I already knew the plan. We would be doing a threek plan, or a 'three-pronged attack' I would be with Obi-Wan leading one, and Ahsoka and Anakin and General Mundi would be leading the other two. We would converge on an area in front of the shield so we can attack with all our forces. Then we would focus on the shield generator. 

They said as much, and the Chancellor put in his opinion. "Isn't it risky using three generals in one attack? If something went wrong we would be dealt a serious blow." I'm not a huge fan of the Chancellor. Or politicians in general, they don't do enough for the people under their protection. Yoda says that this is necessary, and the Chancellor backs off. 

"May the force be with you." Mace Windu says, and the hologram fizzles out. Captains Cody and Rex, and the clone commander of Mundi's battalion, walk in.

Blah blah blah perimeter, blah blah blah getting through some forces, blah blah blah middle for Cody, Kenobi, and I, Skywalker in the south, and Mundi in the north, blah blah blah Ahsoka points out a heavily fortified wall, which Anakin says that they won't be going near. Sure. 

"What about all that enthusiasm I saw earlier?" Obi-Wan asks Anakin. 

"Don't worry about us. You just make sure you get yourself to that landing zone in one piece."

"Yes, I shall be waiting there for you when you finally arrive," Kenobi shoots back. I snort.

"Gentlemen, if you are quite finished, we have a battle to begin." Jedi Luminara says from the holo table in front of us. 

"Quite right," Obi-Wan says and begins giving Cody orders. The General, Captain, and I leave the command deck to head down to the hanger bay. We load into some carriers and fly off toward the planet's surface.

There are green flashes of light all around us, some of them managing to take down Republic gunships. and some the Separatist turrets. We held on tight to the straps in our ship as it shook from the rough air. Separatist gunships were in the air now too, but our Y-Wing bombers took out the ground guntowers. Skywalker's comm flared, yelling "We're down! we're at location five-" They were cut off. I could sense no small vestige of worry in my general, but he brushed it aside as we got the order to put the tanks on the ground. We grew more level to the ground and our tanks began clanking along the rocky planet surface. Cody and some of his men get off their LAATs to try for a stronger ground assault, but the heavy fire eliminates some of the men. He warns us not to land, but there's nowhere else. 

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