4 ~ May I have this dance?

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(Disclaimer! Thomas is not straight in this story

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(Disclaimer! Thomas is not straight in this story. He loves Evelyn, yes, but no in that way. We love Thomas how he is!!!!)

Evelyn and Benjamin jogged through the rain, managing to make it to the house fairly quickly. Evelyn did decide to take her coat off and hold it over her head. "We'll go in around back!" She shouted over the booming rain. The lights from the windows of the Abbey were the only source of guidance they had. Rounding the corner of the house, they neared the back door that led to the kitchen.

Under the stone canopy of the door stood Thomas Barrow as he puffed on a cigarette and watched the rain. When a soaking wet Evelyn rounded the corner out of breath, Thomas grinned and couldn't help but chuckle. "Where have you been - " He stopped abruptly when Benjamin came around the corner as well. Thomas's amused face turned to disdain fairly fast at the sight of the other man. "Who is he?" He spat before blowing out a cloud of smoke.

"A friend, Thomas. Now, I'm freezing so please move." He moved for her but kept his intense gaze on the man while he followed Evelyn inside.

She walked into the kitchen to see everyone stood around the table as Robert spoke with Bates. They both looked at the drenched girl in confusion and even more so when the unrecognized man walked in behind her. Thomas followed and leaned against the wall with his arms crossed and an annoyed expression.

"Evelyn," Robert spoke with a smile. "You...look awful. Who's your friend?"

"This is Benjamin Harding, Doctor Clarkson's nephew. He insisted on helping me get the groceries here." She spoke as she rubbed her hand together to generate heat. "Oh, you can put them here." She pointed at the counter for Benjamin to sat the bags down.

Robert approached Benjamin with a kind yet unsure smile as he extended his hand to the young man. "I'm Robert Crawley, the Lord of Downton Abbey."

Benjamin took his hand. "Pleasure, Lord Grantham. My uncle has told me a lot about your family.."

"All good things I hope. Are you just in for a visit?"

"No, sir. I'm training under my uncle to help him run the hospital."

Robert's face fell a bit into an expression of certain skepticism. "A doctor...that's excellent. Well, I'm very pleased Doctor Clarkson will have two more hands to assist him. He works extremely hard to keep us all well."

"He does indeed. Thank you for your kindness, Lord Grantham. I'll be out of your way. Goodnight everyone." He smiled at the staff who smiled kindly back at him - except for Robert, Thomas, and Mr. Carson.

"Thank you, Benjamin. You as well." Robert said halfheartedly as he watched him and Evelyn leave the kitchen. He turned to look at Carson, who shared his wavering expression. "Do you know him, Carson?"

"No, my Lord. Though I do remember hearing of the possibility of a new doctor at the hospital."

Robert clenched his jaw. "She had been out awfully late...missing dinner in the process..."

Cousin Evelyn ~ Downton AbbeyWhere stories live. Discover now