17 ~ The Downton Fair

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The weekend of the fair had come to Downton as most of the residents beamed with excitement - something of this magnitude didn't often roll through the village

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The weekend of the fair had come to Downton as most of the residents beamed with excitement - something of this magnitude didn't often roll through the village. Evelyn was excited herself; however, her excitement was slightly heightened once Grant had asked her to attend with him. She felt as if she might have moved on too fast from Ben though she wondered why it was so easy to - did she like him or did she like the idea of him? She did not know. No matter, she was ready to move on from the boy who left her out of the blue.

The day before the fair, Mary and Evelyn walked through the fairgrounds as people buzzed around setting up games and petting zoos. Evelyn and Mary had spent a lot of time together after the events of a few nights prior. Mary found comfort in the presence of her cousin as they both experienced the same horrors of that night - almost the same, at least.

The women, arm in arm, leisurely strolled through the bustling. Mary gazed here and there with very little awe while Evelyn's eyes lit up like a child at every new vibrant color of the fair booths.

"Ohh, Mary. Look at those!" Evelyn pointed at a booth where many little teddy bears that hung as prizes for a knock-over-the-bottle game.

Mary smiled. "They're cute. Maybe Grant can win you one, hm?"

Evelyn only smiled. "Maybe...or, I could win it for myself."

"I don't know if you could manage to hold the baseball with your child-like fingers."

Evelyn frowned. "You're exceptionally rude today." She teased.

Anna approached the women and walked alongside them. Evelyn and Mary offered her kind smiles.

"Good day, miladies. Is Her Ladyship all right? Has she recovered from...?" Ana inquired.

Mary's face fells a bit. "If you think she'll ever recover from carrying the body of Mister Pamuk from one side of the house to the other, then you don't know her at all."

"Well, I didn't mean recover, exactly, just...get past it."

Mary shook her head. "She won't do that either. When she dies, they'll cut her open and find it engraved on her heart."

"And what about you? What about your heart?"

Mary smiled. "Haven't you heard? I don't have a heart. Everyone knows that."

"Not me, milady." Anna kindly smiled at her.

"I think you have quite a soft heart, Mary. I've always thought so." Evelyn retorted.

"Well...thank you. My soft heart is quite weak at the moment, I'm afraid."

"You just need to heal...that takes time."

Mary smiled gratefully.

"Well," Anna began. "I best get back. Mises Patmore is making her cherry tarts for lunch and I don't want to miss out."

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