30 ~ Happy Seafarer

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A/N: I decided to do a chapter of Evelyn on the ship

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A/N: I decided to do a chapter of Evelyn on the ship...I had an idea to get some more tea stirrin❤ I hope you enjoy!

Evelyn was shocked at how fast she was able to fall asleep on the ship, despite the unnatural rocking all night. Opening her eyes, she didn't bother lifting her head as there was no point in her getting up right now anyway. The room was fairly small but quite nice. 

The dark metal bed frame was covered by a squishy, feather mattress and equally soft pillow. Over the mattress was a light gray, silk comforter with pale pink accents. The walls matched the comforter except the gray was replaced with a creme color. Some pictures of the ship and various sea-related photos lined the walls and surrounded a small, round window overlooking the ocean - something Evelyn will have no part in looking out. The furniture was dark wood and looked rather new. The wood floor was a similar color to the furniture, but most of it was covered with a creme, beige, and light pink rug.

It was a nice room. Evelyn was grateful for that; however, it wasn't her room. She wouldn't be greeted by Isis during breakfast and have her daily briefings with Anna afterward. She wouldn't get to hear Sybil and Edith argue over gloves. She wouldn't get to the signature "good morning, my dear" from Cora. She was already homesick on the first day.

Pulling herself up from the bed, she rummaged through the closet she had stocked with her close before she slept and picked out a light blue dress for the day. She knew if she stayed in the room she'd just be depressed and might throw herself overboard from sadness. She wasn't necessarily one for dramatics, but she felt like she could get to that breaking point.

Satisfied with her appearance - all but the dark circles under her eyes - she peered out of her door and down the long hallway to see some of the other passengers starting their day. Pulling herself from her door, she padded down the hall as she followed the small crowd who eventually found their way into a large dining area. Evelyn stood in the doorway and scanned over the families, the elderly couples, some younger groups, and many businessmen that filled the room. 

Spotting a coffee decanter, she mad that her target destination for the morning. Pouring a piping hot mug, she held it in her hands and blew gently on it as her eyes followed a small trail of light from a small window. She stared at the window for a moment, trying to decide if he was brave enough to face her fears this early in the day - she'd be on the ship for a week she'd have plenty of time to do so; however, she would be on this ship for a week and should probably get used to that fact that she, in fact, in the ocean.

With an annoyed sigh, she shuffled to the small window that sat in the wall at the height of her nose. Gripping her mug tighter, she stood on her toes and gazed down at the crystal blue water that went white as it bashed the side of the sailing ship. Though she felt squeezy, she also found it quite fascinating. With a huff, she lowered herself back to her heels and closed her eyes, taking a whiff of her coffee to calm herself.

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