19 ~ Youthful glow

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(A/N: Y'all really ship Matthew and Evie soooo

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(A/N: Y'all really ship Matthew and Evie soooo......Also, longest chapter yet! Enjoy!)

Nearly sprinting to the breakfast room, Evelyn skidded to a slower pace just before entering the room. She had somehow managed to oversleep - or maybe her subconscious didn't want to wake up and face the insolence of Mary and Edith Crawley so early in the morning. 

Stepping into the room, she smiled as she noticed a mug of hot coffee sat at her spot.

"Good morning, Evelyn." Robert smiled.

"Good morning." She sat down and began to sip on the coffee, avoiding Mary's gaze that pleaded for forgiveness. Evelyn thought of herself to be a fairly forgiving person; however, she had a lot of people to forgive right now so she was trying to give herself time to rationalize through the issues.

To dissipate the awkward tension, Evelyn decided to try and redirect the attention. "Who's that from, Uncle?" She asked Robert who read over a letter intently.

"Aunt Rosamund."

"Anything interesting?" Edith asked.

Robert gave her a half-hearted smile. "Nothing to trouble you with."

"Poor Aunt Rosamund." Sybil began as she took her seat next to Evelyn. "All alone in that big house. I feel so sorry for her."

Mary scoffed. "I don't. All alone with plenty of money and a house in Eton Square? I can't imagine anything better."

"Really, Mary, I wish you wouldn't talk like that. There will come a day when someone thinks you mean what you say." Robert scolded.

Mary rolled her eyes. "It can't come soon enough for me."

"Speaking of huge houses," Edith began. "how was the house, Evelyn?"

Evelyn eyed her skeptically. "It was nice."

She nodded. "Maybe you should talk to Aunt Rosemund about how to manage such a large estate while being alone. Furnishings and such."

"Edith..." Mary whispered warningly.

"What do you mean alone?" Evelyn pushed.

"Well, you're leaving now arent you? Since you have a house all for yourself."

Robert looked at Edith annoyedly. "Edith you know as well as everyone in this home that Evelyn is in the same situation as Mary and therefore cannot inherit the house yet. So instead of mocking her why don't you make sure she knows how welcome she is in her family's home until that day, hm?" He rose from his chair. "Carson, I'll be in the library. Will you let me know when Her Ladyship is down?"

"Certainly, my Lord."

Edith went silent after her father's words and stared at her food while picking at it crossly.

Before Robert left, he pulled a letter from his pocket. "Sybil, darling, this one's for you."

Sybil tore open the letter and smiled before glancing at Evelyn and nodding out of the breakfast room. Lifting a brow, Evelyn watched Sybil rush out. Confused but not wanting to remain in a room alone with either of the elder Crawley girls, she followed Sybil.

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