〖1- "Just a Friend." 〗

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June 26th, 3rd POV (George)

It's dark out, but it's calm. A cool night breeze chills George. Unfazed by the sudden cold, he stares at his phone. What is happening to him?

He is sitting on his roof; it's a place he likes to go when he feels overwhelmed.

He stares out at the horizon. George thinks about Dream's laugh, the way he always cares about George, about his beautiful freckles and green eyes -- or, at least that's how he described himself.

"Dream..." George sighs, looking back at his phone screen. It's open to the DreamNotFound hashtag. As George scrolls and scrolls, his mind fogs up with even more emotion.

He stops on a certain drawing. It's a pretty realistic art style, and it depicts Dream hugging George from behind, their faces inches from one another.

George's heart flutters. He lets out a long breath.

Why do I feel like this?

The brunette man groans as he brings his hands up to his face. That was enough for right now. He needs to go think.


June 28th, George's POV

I stare at the wall behind my computer. I can't think straight, but I have to pull myself together. Dream wanted to talk with me, Sapnap, Karl, Skeppy, and Bad.

Dream... I can't stop thinking about him recently, but I don't know why. That stupid name, rattling in my skull. Dream. Dream, Dream, Dream DREAM! Oh my god. It's all about him. It's driving me crazy.

"Jesus Christ," I whisper, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"George?" Hearing Dream's voice snaps me back to reality. "What'd you say that for?"

I stutter. Shit. He heard me? "I... um, what?"

"You said 'Jesus Christ'," Sap chimed in, in a bad British accent.

"Uh- sorry, I was just zoned out. Tired I guess," I let out a small chuckle. I wasn't lying, I was zoned out -- just for a different reason.

I stare at the icons in the voice chat. It was only the three of us at the moment, but a second later, Karl joined, followed by Skeppy and Bad.

3rd POV (Dream)

"Great, everyone's here," Dream says enthusiastically. He fiddles with his thumbs. Dream normally presents himself as this confident, charismatic guy, but in reality, he has a lot of anxiety.

"So," his voice wavers slightly, "I wanted to ask you guys if you wanted to meet up in Florida? You could all stay at me and Nick's place for about month and make videos more often."

And I'd get to see George, he adds to himself.

George is Dream's best friend, and Dream really cares about him. Occasionally Dream would get bursts of confidence and tease or flirt with him. Later he'd wonder why he would do that. There's no way Dream actually liked George. He's just a good friend.

"Just a friend," he whispers to himself, his words concealed by a sigh.

Dream is saved from his trail of thoughts by a screaming Bad.


Skeppy giggles and agrees with Bad.

"That would be amazing, oh my god! I can't wait to see Sappy!" Karl says.

Sapnap knew about the meet up, as he was living with Dream already. Dream notices Sap blush when Karl uses his nickname. -they're in the same room-

He's so obviously in love, Dream smirks.

After a few moments of happiness and conversation, Dream realizes that George hasn't said a word.

George's POV

I'm frozen.

I can't move.

I can't think.

He wants us to meet. We're going to meet. Right when I started developing these complicated feelings for him, too.

"...George, are you okay with that?" Dream asks softly. My heart melts at the kindness in his voice.

I gulp. "Yeah, does this mean I get to see what you look like? I bet you're really beautiful," My tone changes to excitement mid-sentence. I've seen fanart of Dream, and he's given me a vague description of himself, but I'm longing to see if they were accurate.

"Heh, yeah," Dream sounds flustered, which is a rare occurrence.

It's then that I realize what I had just said. My cheeks immediately turn a deep red.
I feel guilty. If he doesn't like me back, I have no right in likening him.
He probably thinks I'm just a friend.


3rd POV

They all eventually get past the awkward interaction (and second-hand embarrassment) and talk about buying plane tickets.

The meet up is scheduled to be on July 5th, in about a week. It was what worked best for everyone. They would stay for a month.

None of them could wait.


Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I might not get another one out very soon but we'll see!

Also I think I'm gonna make the format be like each chapter will mainly focus on one ship, only using the two people's POVs/3rd person.

Love you guys (even though there's probably no one reading this lol)

pain /j

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