〖9 - The Party, Part 3〗

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Sorry it's been so long since the last update!! I just haven't found the time to write and wasn't inspired for a few days at first :)

Anyways enjoy the story

CW: mention of drinking/intoxication, angst again (sorry lol I could care less about your feelings /j)


3rd POV (Sapnap)

Bad and Skeppy return from the bathroom. It's hard for Sapnap to focus, so he can't tell what happened. He can only assume something risqué, based on the circumstances.

This lack of attention is mainly because of the countless drinks he chugged, but also because of what he saw last night. That's also the reason for the drinks. He's still processing what he saw on Karl's phone.

He didn't mean to look, but once he saw the first string of texts he couldn't stop reading.

Almost immediately an idea pops up in his head. A sick idea, fueled by the alcohol in his system and the feelings he's trying to drown out.

"I call asking next!" Sapnap blurts. He turns towards Karl. "Truth or dare?"

He already knows what he'll pick. "Dare."

Sapnap looks around the room, contemplating, a fake smile plastered over heartache. "Do you want a hard one or an easy one?"

Karl jokingly acts offended. "The hard one, obviously."

Sapnap goes cold. He gestures to the group, "Tell them. Tell them about you cheating on me with Quackity." He stares stone-faced at Karl, appearing slightly condescending. His lidded eyes shake side-to-side as they glance between Karl's pupils. His nonchalant aura is more lethargic than it should be -- it's obvious that he's drunk. But then again, what did you expect from Sapnap?

A wave of panic seems to race over Karl, his smile disappearing. He looks at Sapnap like he's crazy.

Bullshit. He's not crazy.

He saw the texts.

The whole room goes quiet and everyone is staring, but Sapnap is too intoxicated to notice -- or care, for that matter. His expression gains some emotion, with salty tears make their way down his face, although they are mostly ignored. "Was it all an act? Did you enjoy it when he'd call you?" his voice raises. He laughs as he rolls his eyes, "You know, I would've been open to it, but you hid it from me! You made me yell at him for nothing!" His voice breaks slightly.

Sapnap is drained from thinking about this shit all day. He finally was letting it out. It felt better, but it felt worse at the same time.

Karl makes a face equivalent to a toddler being scolded. "...What?" he stares blankly.

Realization of the situation sinks in, and his face twists into regret. He buries his head in his hands. "Can we talk about this later? We're not sober. Especially you."

No. No, they can't ignore this. Karl's pushing this to the side.

Sapnap stands up with a growing rage.

Please. They need to talk now.

He sways to the side as his balance gets increasingly worse.

"No.. We c-can't," Sapnap sputters.

White and black dots speckle his vision.

"Sapnap, are you okay?"


"You need to sit down."

He can't tell who says what. Multiple hands are starting to hold him steady. He shoves them all away. Everything tingles.

"I'm.. Fi..ine.." The floor feels like it falls out from under him as darkness envelops his vision.


Karl's POV

Sapnap is passed out in his room; Dream and Bad moved him there after he fainted in the middle of our argument. They wouldn't let me help. They don't want me near him.

I'm sitting in the same spot as before, and Dream is standing across from me. George is on the chair to my left, absorbing all the information he had received in the past ten minutes.

"Would you like to explain?" Dream insists. I snap my head up to look at him. He sounds pushier than I expect, but I know he's trying to be understanding.

"I... um..." I can't spit it out. I love Sap. I also love Quackity. I was just too nervous to bring it up to him. I was worried what he would think; that he would leave me. I thought I could play it off as if Quackity was bothering me, but it just got worse. It came back and bit me in the ass.

A soft touch is placed on my shoulder. Skeppy came back from talking to Bad at some point, but I was too deep in thought to notice.

"You need to tell us," he sighs in a semi-sweet tone. He comforts me while George and Dream wait impatiently.

I subconsciously take a deep breath. "Sap and I have been dating since April," I stop and purse my lips, my posture tense from the guilt. "I started messaging Quackity around the same time." My eyes dart up to Dream's in a sign of honesty, "I love them both, I really do. That's why I was scared to tell Sap about Quackity."

I fill them in on how Quackity and I came up with a plan, how he thought I should just tell Sap, how he doesn't like hearing Sapnap yell at him. I always assured him it'd be over soon, that I'd tell him soon; but he found out on his own.

As the story unfolded, expressions softened and minds raced.

"I'm in love with them both but I don't know how to fix it. Sap has to hate me now."

One thing that I couldn't get off my mind was the last thing Sapnap said before he started to faint.

"You know, I would've been open to it, but you hid it from me! You made me yell at him for nothing!"

Does that mean there's a chance? For everything to go right?


HEY SHAWTIES! I know this chapter is not as long as I'd like, but I really wanted to get something out since it's been so long.

The next three chapters might be the last, since I want to wrap this up soon.

Thank you so much for 7.2k reads!!!

Hope you guys are doing well :)

hearts and sparkles,

Synn <3

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