〖2- "I Think I Messed Us Up."〗

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TW: PANIC ATTACK, SLIGHT MENTION OF SUICIDE. (If this bothers you, skip to the end, there will be a blurb of what happens.)


June 29th, Bad's POV

I shift around under my sheets. My alarm is going off. After fighting to ignore it, I sit up and sigh. It's the day after Dream had called us, and I'm pretty tired after yesterday.

Still drowsy, I push my glasses on my face and pick up my phone. My eyes widen with curiosity. It's not my alarm, it's Skeppy.

Why is he calling so early?

I hit the green button and groggily greet him.

"Skeppy? what do you need? It's 6:00 in the morning," I complain with an undertone of worry.

"Darryl. Please." His voice is unsteady and weak, like he had been crying for hours.

As a wave of anxiety hits me, I almost drop the phone. I grip it tighter so I don't lose it.

"Zak? Zak, are you okay? Wh-what's wrong?" He never uses my real name unless he's being completely serious. He sounds exhausted and desperate. I start shaking a little, worried for my best friend.

"I can't keep doing this. I- I can't..." Skeppy breaks down. The thought of him being this upset is enough to make me start hyperventilating. Breathing slower, trying to stop myself from having a panic attack, I tell Skeppy that it's alright.

"Breathe with me, Zak..." I breathe loud and deep, and he follows along with shaky breaths.

"Okay, now what did you need to say?" I sound calm but on the inside I'm panicking. Maybe he got embarrassed by something? Or maybe he lied to someone? Deep down I thought the worst of the worst. I tried to keep it at bay but it surfaced anyway. Is he suicidal? I blink hard. I hope not.

Skeppy is still sniffling. "Bad, I feel like I'm lying to you, but I'm not, but its so overwhelming and I can't focus on shit.. I just- agh!" he rambles.

"Take your time, Skeppy," I say. For some reason I'm not bothered by him cursing. It's a little comforting knowing he can speak and isn't having a full-on panic attack. I hear something rustle on the other side of the phone. Is he sitting up? Or laying down?

"IthinkI'minlovewithyoubutifItellyouthenImightruinourfriendshipandIreallydon'twanttodothatbutitwasjusttoomuchpressurenottoandIdon'tlikelyingtoyou" -look at comments for help reading :s-

"What? Skeppy, slow down," a nervous laugh escapes me. I hear him sigh.

"After yesterday, learning that we were gonna meet face-to-face, I kind of went into panic mode," his voice is hoarse. "I started beating myself up for liking you. Guilt, fear, pain. I'm sorry, Bad..." His last words are barely a whisper. You can hear the tears in his voice. I'm about to speak, but then Skeppy continues.

"I think I messed us up, I'm sorry."

Skeppy's POV

Hugging my knees by my bed, I'm silently crying, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Bad stays silent for a while.

My anxiety builds until I hear a sob coming from the other end of the line.

"Zak, I never knew you felt that way," he says between his breaths, "I- I'm not sure how I feel right now. It's just a lot to take in at once."

My heart pangs.
He's not sure. He's not fucking sure.

It just adds the guilt back that I just lost.

My eyes start swelling with tears again. I bury my head in my knees and tighten my grip on my legs. It feels like I'm cutting off circulation, I'm squeezing so hard.

"Skeppy, I'll always support you no matter what. You know that, right?" Bad mutters.

I immediately feel safer. Knowing that even if I couldn't have him, he'd still be there. It still hurt, that he might never be my Bad.

"Thank you, Bad," I manage to squeak out before immediately hanging up and tossing my phone on my desk. There are so many emotions in my head. I curl up into a ball on my bed, weeping, crying, bawling tears of pain and acceptance, until I fall back asleep.


Hi! I definitely didn't pull an all-nighter and write two chapters in a row.. ;)

For those who skipped bc of the TW, here's a summary:

Bad wakes up to Skeppy calling him. When he answers, Skeppy sounds upset. He explains how he's in love with Bad and how he doesn't want to ruin the friendship. He was pressured to tell Bad because he was scared of meeting Bad irl and feeling like he was lying to him. Bad responds with "I don't know how I feel right now, it's a lot to take in." They end the call on friendly terms, and Skeppy cries himself back to sleep.

Sorry this chapter was a little heavy on the feels, but I promise the ship isn't gone! It is still very much alive :) There's also a lot of dialogue because it's a phone call.

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